Wow, what a welcome! Thanks guys. I figured I would start a new thread to tell you about my story. I was raised by mother who was a JW and started giving talks at 6, pioneered, and was a servant at one time. I have a lot of good memories from being a JW, but a lot of events lead to my df'ing and finally throwing in the towel. I really dont hate JW's, just dont agree with a lot of what I have seen lately. I was married almost 10 years and a lot of what led me to leave has to do with my wife and her family. I worked hard as a husband to provide, but for some reason the good qualities that bing a witness is supposed to develop never seemed to stick with her and her family. I have been through about a year of her being drunk most of the time, taking multiple kinds of "feel good" prescriptions, being physically abused and being taken advantage of financially. She got a little slap on the wrist for all that. Her Dad, a servant, knew about all this and never said anything. He, stole altogether probably 200,000 from relatives and friends. Somehow he finds justification for this. And I'm sure if i brought it to the attention of anyone, he would probably get the same thing as his daughter, a slap on the wrist, since he's a "good ole boy" in the congregation in Cottonwood, CA. It's funny that everyone thinks he is so good, when he bad mouths more ppl in the orginization than anyone I have ever known. Wow the "truth" has really transformed their lives! NOT! Now I'm divorcing his daughter and the family is out to make me pay. We dont have kids and no assets (the ex plunged us into bankruptcy 2 years ago) so the only thing they can go for is alimony. (the bread of laziness she does eat) They have used every underhanded tactic they can to impoverish her so I can pay more. So now you can see why I've had my fill and will most likely just stay out. I have been taught how the truth makes better people, and all I have seen lately are people worse than the world within the orginization. Anyway, I'm almost done my divorce and I have my Dad and sister to support me through this. Maggie my sister drifted out and actually told me about this site. Her nick is Magzy28 if you want to read her story. Anyway, I am 33 now. Was raised mostly in Memphis and the mid south. Spent a little time in Belleville, IL and now live in Redding, CA. Look forward to meeting some of you guys and chatting. Later, John
my story
by buffman 19 Replies latest jw friends
Great to meet you, John. I hope you find some good friends here. I have. If chat ever gets up and running, find an excuse to talk to hillbilly. He is going through a divorce himself right now.
(And I hope hillbilly doesn't shoot me for 'speaking his name in vain'.)
welcome, buffman
We have a bit in common so I'll enjoy chatting w/you when I can.
Hi buffman,
I lived in Cottonwood for serval years and went to the meetings there. So I do know some of them there.
Do you know Terri Benson??? She is my ex daughter in law. My e-mail is [email protected] if you would like to e-mail me we could have a conversation. Desertflower.
Welcome John...always good to have another face and even more anecdotal evidence to show just how loving the loving arrangement really is. I would however steer clear of jgnat, truthseeker, Incense and Peppermints, Farkel, Elsewhere, heaven, xenawarrior, TR, JT, Simon, Angharad, Francois, Priscroy, batty, Saint Satan, Nathan Natas, megadude, joy2befree, basically everyone here... et al.....*LOL* what am I saying? ...they will all spoil usefull habits..I however am the paragon of virtue and encourage you to read your Watchtower every day.....BTW, when can I set up a time for a home bible study? eheh...
District Overbeer
Hello and welcome, buffman!
I'd like a home beerble study, valis!
Hi John...I also had unbearable witness inlaws, psychotic actually!
Welcome to the board! Email is open if you'd like to talk!
Hi John I to dont hate jehovahs Witnesses. I believe some of them are wonderful folk. Just blind.
Hey Valis when you told John not to associate with all those on line -You forgot me.So I am good associations?????
John It is really terrible what they do to folks.
if you go to the link below you will hear of other horror stories....
Hang in there !!!!! Dont give up on prayer no matter what Valis ( who I love ) suggests