I'm sitting here in the serverroom freezing my buns off and the issue of the CHILD ABUSER and what to do with him or her was being kicked around
we got the standard SHOT THE BASTARDS IN THE HEAD ETC,
but how should these persons be dealt with- from all i have read these persons can not be cured of the desire to have sex with children- so should they be once identified be locked up since they will perhaps abuse a child in the future,
should they get any treatment at all or should they just be shot?
i was telling the guys what treatment jw offer to men with this problem
go out in service, read all the literature, and atttend all the meetings
one of the guys could not believe regardless of how one feels toward a molester THIS IS THE EXTENT OF WT TREATMENT and i told him YEP in fact this is the treatment offered as a solution for 95% of the issues that a jw will have if they go to the elders-
does the internet with it's easy access to child porn contribute to a person who may already be struggling in this area but as of yet has not harm a child yet--
i realize that line them up and shot them down sounds to good and too simplistic
i often hear read of victims who make mention that the person who abused them was abused many times themselves, is this some type of cycle that if left untreated will continue from one generation to another
i realize some of you have done much more research in this aspect of human behavior than i have so i ask WHAT DOES A SOCIETY (not wt) DO WITH THOSE WHO HAVE THESE PROBLEMS?