Complete List of all Good Points of the Watchtower

by Focus 23 Replies latest jw friends

  • Focus

    Complete List of all Good Points of the Watchtower

    Expected a blank post? Sorry to disappoint...

    I am the first to admit my errors.

    Having now carefully considered everything, I believe that what you will see if you click the link provided below:
    (a) contains a List of ALL the Redeeming Features and Good Points about the Watchtower, claimed by some to be God's Sole Representative on Earth and God's Wifely Organization, and
    (b) contains not even one single lie, distortion or half-truth.

    Here is the link:

    I am sorry if some of you feel let down by my Declaration of Facts. But the truth must out. I strongly recommend you surf to HTTP://WWW.WATCHT0WER.0RG (click the link) and believe everything you see there as if it was God-breathed.

    AND absolutely do not trust any website with a name very similar to the one above - Satan is so busy in these very last days, and those stubborn and arrogant ones who do his bidding - as such a site will contain little besides apostate untruths and evasions, slandering God and making all sorts of false claims to mislead the unwary and lead them away from the path of righteousness.

    Only the truth is to be found at HTTP://WWW.WATCHT0WER.0RG ! Click on it!

    And do not reply to this message of Hope and Love once you have done so. Let each one make up his own mind.

    HTTP://WWW.WATCHT0WER.0RG - for a Complete List of all Good Points of the Watchtower. Please accept my invitation. The truth is but a click away.

    (Some Brains Need a Washing! Class)

  • Celia

    This page cannot be displayed.... hmmmm....

  • Blueblades

    HI!FOCUS,Looks like the site is out of focus just like you figured.Blueblades

  • JH
    This page cannot be displayed.... hmmmm....

    Thats because the O of watchtower is a zero and not a O. replace the zero by O

    But, what the hell, don't even try, it's not worth it

  • dannyboy


    Very good.

    Thanks for pointing this out. I rea lly hadn't thought much about it, but you're absolutely right about the contents of the page you reference.

    Yours for better URL tampering.


  • Focus

    HTTP://WWW.WATCHT0WER.0RG as stated above is the place to go to see the Complete List of all Good Points of the Watchtower.

    JH scribbled:

    replace the zero by O

    Do NOT! As I said above:
    "absolutely do not trust any website with a name very similar to the one above - Satan is so busy in these very last days, and those stubborn and arrogant ones who do his bidding - as such a site will contain little besides apostate untruths and evasions, slandering God and making all sorts of false claims to mislead the unwary and lead them away from the path of righteousness."

    If you start making substitutions, you will encounter Satan's Organization. Stick to HTTP://WWW.WATCHT0WER.0RG and you will find no lies there.

    (Destroy the "ABC Contradictory Twist Bethel Awe" Class)

  • dannyboy

    JH: Am I wrong, or is the 29th digit in your pi off by 1? :)

    Focus: That page also lists all of the upcoming apologies and mea culpas to be issued by the Society.


  • JH


    check this out and enjoy the reading

    Edited by - jh on 4 December 2002 21:17:46

  • Focus

    I repeat: HTTP://WWW.WATCHT0WER.0RG - trust the information there, and not on any website with similar name, which may have been set up by wicked ones with the idea of ensnaring the unwary and depriving them of their chance for eternal life...

    dannyboy wrote:

    Very good.
    Thanks for pointing this out. I really hadn't thought much about it, but you're absolutely right about the contents of the page you reference.

    You have understood correctly! But beware, I have heard that this discussion board is sometimes visited by apostates who may try to mislead the unwary.. we must be as cautious as serpents, and as innocent as doves.

    You wisely wrote:

    That page also lists all of the upcoming apologies and mea culpas to be issued by the Society.

    Of course! The website HTTP://WWW.WATCHT0WER.0RG also contains a Complete List of the Society's apologies for "slight adjustments" made in the past, giving the lie to what "Prominent Bethelite", that disgusting enemy of God's Organization, wrote here:

    "The Society uses the following techniques when it is "found out":
    ** to make no further mention of the matter at all (most desirable and
    common); or if this is not possible
    ** to blame the great crowd of followers (as with the 1975 fiasco); or
    ** to deny authorship (as with "Three Worlds, and the Harvest of This
    World" 1877); or
    ** to blame earlier leaders for excessive zeal (while still claiming the
    Society was chosen by Christ by 1914 or thereabouts as the only true
    church, with a unique key to salvation); or
    ** to deny it ever said that (the official CD-ROM seems to miss much
    interesting earlier material); or
    ** to deny it made any "definite" claim (they are really good at this -
    1914/18/25/75 are all examples); or
    ** to claim "new light" (freshly revealed understanding - as with blood
    transfusion etc.); or
    ** to claim it was misled by the lies of others (all the kooks whose
    claims it has supported, with clothes pegs on fingers, murderous
    aluminium, non-existent rabies, spirit-communication and so on) but has
    always acted with pure heart (not a good enough excuse where others were
    concerned, but); or
    ** to claim it was a minor detail or unimportant issue; or
    ** if all else fails, to stonewall, ignore or brazen it out by blaming
    apostates and opposers (all Satan-inspired) for bringing up small issues
    to subvert God's will.

    Now refuted at HTTP://WWW.WATCHT0WER.0RG

    Don't mind JH, he specializes in infinite inaccuracy, as his rendition of pi in decimal omits an infinity of significant non-zero digits.

    HTTP://WWW.WATCHT0WER.0RG for a Complete List of all Good Points of the Watchtower! Do not trust any substitute or counterfeit.

    ( HTTP://WWW.WATCHT0WER.0RG Class)

  • dannyboy


    Yep, er, ah, glad you "got the goods" on Prominent Bethelite.......that "disgusting enemy of God's Organization".

    Yessiree. Let's see him slip out of the refutations provided on the referenced page..

    JH: Sorry, I slipped a cog mentally, too tired from doing Fast Fourier Transforms on my wristwatch calculator.


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