The Wt. Society doesn't care about how outsiders view them. They don't care about how the rank and file look at them.They don't give any credence to congregational elders or ministerial servants or pioneers. They don't listen to their own Circuit Overseer's opinions. They don't care what television programs say about them. They don't concern themselves with all the false prophecies that they have put in print. They don't care about those that say they have been abused. THEY JUST DON'T CARE....Got it????
The Watchtower Society Doesn't Care About Anything
by minimus 26 Replies latest jw friends
yer minimus..... i got it a long time ago.
Yes they do. They care about you and me. And the entire human race too. There are people dying, but if we care enough for the living, we'll make a better place for you and for me. Heal the system of things, make it a better place, for you and the WT society.
I agree - they can't care.
How could they expect to keep the UN membership thing a secret? We were bound to find out eventually - I only found out last week and I was gobsmacked! How did I not know? Does the WTBTS care that some are now finding out? I think that they think that we are all too brainwashed by now to care and will go along with them anyway. Well, they are wrong!
They seem to have their own little book of rules and regulations and, no matter how much you point out that their rules don't make sense, they don't seem to care an awful lot. in fact, they then imply that you are the one with the problem - very strange!
WT does not care......they will do their thing, continue to endanger children with their ridiculous child abuse policies, and keep exploiting R&F as long as they can get away with it...get it?...rocky220
Yes they do.
All this
crapconcern about keeping their organization clean is because they care very much about what NON-JWs think of them, so they can keep their tax-free status and keep the money rolling in from thesalesplacement of their literature.You are right, though, they could care less what their members think as long as they are properly
terrifed into submissionobedient to Jehovah. -
Why should they care about all those things? They are a prophet, Dog's Organization, a channel of communication, a mouthpiece, if you will, used by Jahoobee Dog to publish his newly revealed light and knowledge for all mankind (but they are NOT inspired prophets. I guess that makes them uninspired prophets).
If you had all that going for you, don't you think you would turn into a a DIVA and stop listening to anyone' opinion other than your own?
They do so care.
And if you don't believe me, then I don't care.
hi rebel
are you still a JW? how do you feel about the UN situation and other things you are learning about?
Arrogance is the game. They are God's channel of communication, remember.