elvis has left the building

by Incense_and_Peppermints 23 Replies latest jw friends

  • Shakita


    You're right. This place is definitely addictive. But, this on-line community has helped our family find some peace of mind in this new ex-jw world. Thanks for being part of that community. And, thanks for including us in on the "cool" crowd. You made our day. Take care of yourself.

    Mr. and Mrs. Shakita (elvis has left the building)-

  • jazbug

    TR, Are you talking about snickering at the KH mtgs. or the exjw meetings?...you know I am going to be watching you at the next meet up .

    Did you hear that Pepperdine's had a fire? Maybe the elders heard that we had a meetup there

  • LB

    Are ya back yet???

    Enjoy the real world if you can. But I hear it's not all it's cracked up to be.

  • Jesika

    Bye hon, sorry to see you go.

    @ being in the "cool" crowd. I thank you for saying I was one of the pics that made you smile, and I am sure there are so many here that do the same it is hard to include everyone.

    I hope you are happy and wish the same for everyone.


    (thinking she was in the "cool" crowd cause she lives on this board)

  • TR

    LOL, Jaz.

    Snickering is half of what we do at "our" meetings! Ya gotta laugh at the crap we believed in.


  • joannadandy

    wow...I feel so honored...I had no idea! You tolerate me, you really tolerate me!

    Bye incense...it was nice knowing you...hopefully you will change your mind and drop in now and again to say hello

  • ThiChi

    Why the "all or nothing" stance? Like anything, moderation and proper time management is the key. My viewpoint is that the real issue here is the last part of your post.........

    At any rate, you will be missed......................

    Edited by - thichi on 5 December 2002 17:58:45

  • Beck_Melbourne

    I & P

    Thank you for the friendship we've always shared...and thank you for being the person that you.

    Don't let other's change you...it can happen so easily on here...but you be who you are and stand tall, because you're a great lady with a kind spirit.

    We will miss you....but life is about change...and if you need to have a break from here, then go with what feels right for you. If you feel like returning, you will always have a friend in me.

    Take care, Hugs


  • Alligator Wisdom
    Alligator Wisdom


    I've personally enjoyed reading your thoughts! My best to you on your future endeavors!

    Sorry my profile pic didn't bring you a smile. That is what I looked like when I was an active JW, always trying to "exert myself vigorously". [I found this pic from the "Greatest Man" book. I know, it looks painful.]

    Hope to hear from you another day!

    Alligator Wisdom (aka Brother "NOT Exerting Vigorously")

  • Big Tex
    Big Tex

    Good luck in the real world I_P. I hope you have better luck in it than I have. Please stop by now and then. Take care.


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