television evangalists anyone?

by freddi 19 Replies latest jw friends

  • freddi

    hi all,

    many years after i left the j.w.'s i started watching t.v. evangalists. you see i was still searching for some sort of religion in my life and i missed that contact that you have with other so called christians. i figured that you can play it safe by watching these men and women on t.v. spouting their doctrines because you were in the comfort of your own home and thus weren't accountable to anyone but yourself.

    needless to say i don't watch too many of them any more because after awhile you can discern the sincere ones, which there are not that many, to the real fraud, phony, fakes.


  • blondie

    I like Joyce Meyer ( When she is talking about relationships and living day to day she is on the mark. I don't necessarily share her deep religious views but she has some good advice with good illustrations.

    On a side note, has anyone ever seen a televangelist with a beard. It seems that beards are taboo amongst their ranks.

    Blondie (who watches the first part of Joyce's show every day; I skip the tape/book selling segment)

  • TresHappy

    I have watched Joyce Meyer a few times. Her flashiness sometimes drives me crazy, I mean those fancy shoes and those eye-popping beaded dresses. When I do listen to her, she says some really good stuff. Her hubby, btw is a hunk!

    Edited by - TresHappy on 5 December 2002 17:7:6

  • wednesday

    I used to watch (many years ago) a guy with a beard and who wore a big cowboy hat, and smoked a cigar. i believe. Now he was not especially comforting, but he was a hoot. I recoil at anyone who even vagely resembles Tammy faye baker (who actually he a really nice person- have seen her on non-christan talk shows-shes a hoot too) I will stop an listen to some of the christan broadcasting and sometimes it helps, but then they start that ranting about hellfire-and they lose me there. I refuse to listne to that nonsense. .I've checkd out he 700 club but when they get to that healing stuff, well either i watch for entertainment-or move on. Hope that does not sound unchristan-i just do not believe God heals people. Not like that anyhow.

    On a odd note-it was actually a christian broadcast that lead me to this spot., They were talking about cults and mentioned Somehow the catholic church and jw came up about child molestation. that lead me to silentlambs b/c i remember seeing the name on the screne. i went to the sight and eventually after research on internt ended up her.

  • Guest 77
    Guest 77

    When I want to be humored,I browse the religious channels and watch them do their thing, yelling ,sceaming and walking the stage. Amazing how people love to have their ears tickeled. A couple of them have used the name Jehovah which surprised the heck out of me. One channel has scriptural music that is soothing, a touch of class.

    Guest 77

  • Mary

    After watching Jimmy Swaggart, Jim and Tammy Baker, Benny Hinn and a host of other wackos on there, I've decided to become a TV Evangalist myself......I'm going to get my uncle to help, cause I figure we could fleece the flock better than any of em.

  • JT
  • freedom96

    Robert Schuller is one of the good guys. Very impressed with him. He has written several positive thinking books, and is very sincere.

  • seedy3

    When I want a really, really good belly laugh, I watch Pat Robertson and Jerry Falwell, Those two are like Laural and Hardy of the TV evangelests. I have never seen 2 "Men of God" put their foot in their mouths more often then they do. Yet they bring in the bucks, Hmmmm kinda makes me wonder if I shouldn't get into that business.


  • JT


    Robert Schuller is one of the good guys. Very impressed with him. He has written several positive thinking books, and is very sincere

    yet others say:

    The Faulty Gospel of Robert Schuller


    A Profile of Robert Schuller

    by Joseph P. Gudel

    'Why would any Christian write an article criticizing Dr. Schuller? Isn't this being negative? Isn't this being unloving?' These and similar questions are raised automatically by many people whenever one Christian criticizes another Christian; especially when the one criticized is as notable and well-liked as Dr. Robert Schuller.

    I believe the first question raised above will be answered as we examine the content of Dr. Schuller's theology. To test or criticize someone whose teachings are aberrational is not being negative; in fact the Bible commands us to do this. When the Apostle Paul wrote to the Christians in Thessalonica, he told them to "test all things; hold fast to that which is good" (1 Thess. 5:21).

    The question still remains: "Is this unloving?" The most unloving thing that we could do would be to close our eyes and turn our backs as untold numbers of people are being led astray by false teaching. To critique a Christian who has erred from the truth is the most loving thing we could do for him. The Apostle James wrote: "My brethren, if any among you strays from the truth, and one turns him back, let him know that he who turns a sinner from the error of his way will save his soul from death, and will cover a multitude of sins" (James 5:19-20).

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