Bizarre Dream

by els 16 Replies latest jw friends

  • els

    I had the strangest dream last night. There was a wedding and some of my family was at it. Afterward we were outside and there was a UFO in the night sky, a long skinny one like the one in the news a few weeks ago. Then there were more of them and they were shooting these beams of light across the sky. Next things started blowing up and there was a nuclear sort of explosion. I was trying to get people in my family to leave the area but they kept saying that it was Armageddon and that Jehovah would save them. I started shouting that it wasn't Armageddon, that the Bible doesn't say anything about any UFOs. But they still wouldn't leave so I had to go without them. I woke up this morning feeling depressed and out of sorts. Do any of you have dreams like this? I always have had very symbolic dreams and some that seem to come true. els

  • JH

    When people don't drink enough coke, they tend to have nightmares. I suggest that you drink one bottle of ice cold COKE, not Pepsi, and things will be cOKe.

  • kelpie

    I have nightmares like that all the time...

    I wish I could get one decent night sleep with out the dream of armogeddon coming and my parents calling me telling me to leave Rick, that they want me back in the family etc etc.

    I usually wake up either crying or very down in the dumps. rick is good because he just wraps his arms around me and holds me while I cry.

    Does anyone have nightmares like that?? How did you stop them??

  • shera

    I had a dream about a so called armageddon last nite as well...

    I knew I didn't have to be a Jw to survive what was ever going on,but there was JW's that were telling me it wasn't too late to go back.The sky was red and things felt odd.I don't recall all of the was confusing ,just like my

    I thought I was over all this JW crap....

  • els

    Thank's JH...You just had to rub it in didn't you. [>:(] els

  • els

    I remember a dream I had guite a few years ago. I've been inactive a long time but have managed to have a relationship with my family. There was going to be a family get together and I was scared about going because I felt like I might get ganged up on. This is the dream I had. I was going to the party but I had a tiger with me, on a leash. Ken kept asking me if I was sure I wanted to go. I told him it was fine, that I could control the tiger. So we went and I tied up the tiger to a tree near the picnic tables. So it was OK for a while, but then the tiger started snarling and trying to get loose. The whole time no one was saying anything about the tiger. So finally it got loose and was running around and I had to catch it and stuff it in my car and leave. After this dream I decided I wasn't going to the party. els

  • Swan


    How did you catch the tiger? By the tail? Did it have horns in its head? Anything significant about the color? Why do you suppose the tiger didn't attack you? Why could you handle it and no one else?

    Think about it.


  • Kenneson


    You mention UFOs in the news recently. So, they were in the "back of your mind." Heck, I've been watching Taken lately. Wouldn't be surprised if I dream of UFOs too.

  • MrMoe

    Odd... I dreamed of a Tiger last night - it morphed into a wolf then back into a Tiger again... it attacked me... but didn't bite and I chased it away...

  • els

    Swan, I think the tiger represented my feelings about the truth, my anger I guess. I never would talk about it much because it just didn't do any good. But in a family group situation the subject of my inactivity was bound to come up, probably in the form of stories about the good times we had and what a good witness I was. I thought I could handle it but my dream warned me that I couldn't, that I would have to get ahold of my feelings and stuff them back in. Maybe I should have gone to that party and let the tiger loose. els

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