Funny story....the Mrs and I had a good laugh about the woman popping a wheelie in her scooter and practically mowing down the pedestrians on the sidewalk in her effort to scurry away from you. I've had similar reactions myself at my own front door or when I've encountered JW's "preaching" in public places.
Part of me feels sorry for these folks because I was once in their shoes. They get so upset because none of their beliefs are provable and on some level they know this, even though they've been convinced otherwise by their weekly indoctrination sessions (aka meetings).
Everything you said to them was true and therein lies the problem. Plain truth and the light of day are a direct threat to everything they've built their lives upon and upon which their psychological stability is resting. At this point they need to believe fairy tales, just to keep going. It's very sad to see this from the other side now that I've done the hard work and paid the consequences of having broken through it myself.