Here is a weird one for you.

by freedom96 11 Replies latest jw friends

  • freedom96

    I have had two very interesting yet weird experiences in the last couple of years, and would like some opinions on them.

    I had a customer come into my store about 1 1/2 years ago. Long story will be cut short. As we are talking, he says, "You are a good man, you care about people." I thanked him, and thought ok, weird comment, but ok. We continue talking more as we were discussing a possible purchase for him. A few minutes later, he comments: "You injured your arm bad." Now, a few months had gone by, but indeed I had shattered my arm in 5 places. I was fully healed, and in no way shape or form gave any indication that I had been injured.

    How on earth did he know? He actually went to the extent to say that I had broken it.

    Yesterday, I had a couple came into my store, and they talked similar talk. They said that they could sense it, what type of person I was etc.

    They believed in previous lives, they believed that the body will tell you what you should do. For example, if you are allergic to a food, having it in your hand will make you weaker.

    Another example, is when deciding what they should do regarding a purchase, they closed their eyes, and said that if their body leaned forward, it mean yes, if their body went back, it meant no.

    Nice people, just the whole thing was bizarre. Anyone buy into this? Anyone have similar experiences?

    One last thing, is that when I told them I broke my arm, and the previous experience with the other customer, they said it was the right arm. Which it was. AND .......... they told me where I broke it, exactly.

    What do you think???

  • refiners fire
    refiners fire

    There is a woman in the office next door to mine who comes in probly three times a day to chat and all of it is about this New Agey Spiritual advancement type of stuff. I think a lot of such people become very intuitive, "scanners" , as I call them. They are merely highly observant and have developed an ability to sense things. I dont think it is any more than extremely acute/ subconscious observation. They note unconsciously that your eyes become evasive, or might flicker momentarily as they say a particular thing, and so they "scan" that it is an "issue" for you. This woman at work does it to me. I do it to her.

    Edited by - refiners fire on 6 December 2002 19:52:50

  • freedom96

    I kept wanting to use the words "New Age" but didn't know if it fit. It sure was different, and seemed to have an ability to "read" people fairly well.

    Of course the WTS would definately say that those people are demonic.

  • Mr Spock
    Mr Spock

    Perhaps you entertained an angel?.....:)

  • refiners fire
    refiners fire


    There is a whole class of people into that kind of stuff and their numbers are growing constantly.They are going around loving everyone, making peace, forgiving, reconciling, and talking about "resolving issues". A lot of them are women, and they tend to consistently wear white, black or violet/ light blue clothing .

    Most of the ones Ive talked to are into Eastern mysticism of one kind or another.The one next door is into chanting mantras and imbibing magic mushrooms. They are the legions of the "New Age". "Light workers". Alien messengers entered into human bodies. They are here to Guide us into the "Next evolutionary stage".

  • Lutece

    I met this guy who was a "new age" type doctor and he said that he healed people naturally. Well, I do believe in having an open mind and I do use herbs, etc. so I decided to see what he'd find with me and the kids. Well, I'm on the computer all the time and so is my son, he also plays video games and stuff, but my daughter, rarely watches tv or goes on the computer. This guy didn't know us at all and he said right away that my son and I had radiation streaming off of us. He said "do you two use a computer a lot or watch a lot of tv?". He said my daughter didn't seem to have it like we did. He also could tell by putting his hands out in front of my body that I had a urinary infection. I told nobody that I had one or that I was sick, in fact, I've had them before so I was just going to stop and get some cranberry juice and try to flush it out on my own before contacting my doctor for antibiotics. I was shocked by his being able to tell from just "feeling" the energies around me. Weird.

    I don't know how and what it means, but I've since installed a protective screen for my computer and I'm sure that he has some kind of special talent, but how, I don't know.

  • Jesus Christ
    Jesus Christ
    Perhaps you entertained an angel?.....:)

    No, we were all busy watching pornos at the time. Actually, that's about all we ever do up here any more since Jennifer Lopez got old enought that it wasn't creepy for us to be watching her all the time.

    As for these people who "feel" stuff, the person who said they're just more observive is correct. So you broke your arm, you've also experienced a great loss in your life haven't you? I'm thinking that it was with someone with the letter "E" in their name too wasn't it? I'm not phsycic, its just that most people have experienced loss in their life and E is a very common letter. Do more stuff like this as well as getting a few lucky guesses and you're suddenly this deep mystic with powers that no one else has.

  • julien

    I've since installed a protective screen for my computer

    Was that doctor the one who sold you the protective screen?

  • rem

    Doesn't sound too weird to me. Any two-bit cold reader can do that. Most kids watch lots of TV or spend much time on a computer. Urinary infections are quite common for women. You even admitted that you've had them before. It would have been cool if he could have told you something useful, though, like how much your next month's cell phone bill is gonna be.


  • Dia


    The WTS would think that anyone with almost ANY level of 'intuition' is demonic. Or evil. Or at the very least, WRONG.

    How could they not?

    Growing up a JW, I would have to say that is one horrible thing they managed to do to me. They shamed me out of my intuitions - about people and life and situations and a gazillion other things.

    Took a long, long time and lots and lots of hard work to get them back.

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