Financial Help.

by Yizuman 150 Replies latest jw friends

  • Farkel

    : What can I do?

    Quit lying.

    You sound like Deacon who is the biggest scammer I've ever seen. Hell, even when I was on my lips I never asked for help. It was people who knew me for YEARS who asked in my behalf. My needs were real and my people (friends) were real, and that is a fact. I made more friends out of my horrible situation that most people ever make in a lifetime, and I'm loyal to every single one of them. That includes Prisca, by the way. Well, at least I'm loyal to HER, but not necesssarily everything she says!

    Maybe you do have a problem, but somehow something's not right. and I don't believe you. At all.

    I hate to sound like a hard-ass because so many wonderful people helped me out when I was down, and I'm humble and grateful for every single one of them, and I know who they are.

    But......something just doesn't ring true here with this latest cry for help. It's just a gut-feeling. When I have something to give, I'm the first in line to do it, but something just doesn't smell right here. I would not mind at all if I'm wrong and it could be proven that I'm wrong.


  • MrMoe

    Ya I agree with Farkel. Part of me feels bad, but I just think it smells funny. Anyhow, I am beyond broke, having a rough time myself, and even if the story was legit, I am too busted to do anything.

  • Yizuman
    You say you are deaf. How would you know what it sounded like?

    I wore hearing-aids at that time. I can hear certain sounds when I am wearing them. I cannot understand speech at all. There's a church that I attend that is right across from the KH. Called Whitetown Christian Church. I was parked next to the road at the end of the parking lot and the KH is about 50 yards or so from where I parked. I was getting ready to open my car door when the sound occured, it sounded what I thought it was and at first I thought, "Who in the world could be using a hammer in this early sunday morning?" so I looked around and there it was.

    Loud sounds I can hear and what the father was making indicated to me that he was spanking the child extremely hard, just loud enough for me to even hear it.

    That was back in 1988, my hearing aids wore out 2 years ago. I cannot afford new ones. So I have my name on the waiting list at the Lion's club which takes donated hearing-aids and if with luck, they may have one that matches what my old one was. I wear the most expensive hearing-aids on the market based on the frequency and volume. It's the loudest hearing aid on the market based on my hearing-loss. The only hearing aid was a Zenithtron brand.

    A new hearing aid would cost me well over a grand a piece. The pastic parts is factory made. But the parts inside are all handmade, including the cyrstal parts. They can't be factory made due to the delicacy(s?) of the parts and the machines would crush them too easy. Hence the reason why the hearing-aids are expensive. It's 90% handmade and 10% factory made.

    A used one would prolly cost half that much, but still out my budget range.

    So I am hoping that a used hearing aid gets donated to the Lions Club and draws my name so I can come and see if it meets my needs.

    I can't use the Miracle Ear brand because they're not that powerful enough for me. I am also leery about wearing them because if an accident occured, it can puncher deep inside past my ear drum and may do some serious damage. I always advise people not to go with the Miracle Ear brand for that reason.

    So a molded ear piece which is way softer and the hearing-aid part rests behind my earlobe is by far the safest hearing-aid to wear, IMHO.

    There is a vocational rehab here in Indianapolis that can purchase me new hearing aids, but there's one catch. I have to be unemployed for at least 6 months to a year before they can consider my application. But, recently someone said they changed the rules. Last I hear about that was 2 years ago after my last hearing aid wore out. If they have had gotten they rules changed, I need to get my ass out there and find out. LOL.

    But I need to work on my morgage payment first and hope to land a better job. That's a first priority.

    Edited by - Yizuman on 8 December 2002 6:46:50

  • Yizuman
    Forclosure takes a lot longer than 3 days... or even 30 days. A person cannot be evicted with jsut 3 days notice, no matter what form of housing it is.

    Ok I will have to take your word for it. I hope I have enough time to get this mess straightened out. BUT, my question is this, if they start filing a foreclosure and I come up with the money before the whole thing is completed, would I already be too late?

  • Farkel

    : But I need to work on my morgage payment first and hope to land a better job. That's a first priority

    Or at the very least, you need to get better lies. These lies aren't working.


  • ozziepost
    But I need to work on my morgage payment first and hope to land a better job. That's a first priority

    No you don't. You need to meet with your mortgage provider and arrange for a re-structure of your loan.

  • Yizuman
    hmmm where do I start...first let me validate myself, I have 2 deaf parents..count em, 2. I have read through all of your posts and from what I have read you sound as though you have a strong vocabulary base and a head for phrasing. To be honest...if you ARE deaf and you have that good of a vocabulary then you should REALLY be working somewhere other than walmart...I find it hard to swallow some of your cries for "pity on the deaf person" my parents never even at their lowest would have used their deafness as a way to solicit others' financial resources. Trust me... with as intelligent as you sound It surprises me that you bring up your "deafness" as a reason for not being able to succeed. Both of my parents are degree'd with a father who runs his own college level language translation program. This thread has really hit a nerve with me...use that language ability that you have been given for some better purpose than asking for assistance on a public forum board such as this...

    Ok let me ask you this question. Are you saying that all deaf people (and I mean the entire population around the world as a whole) are supposed be illeterate in some fashion? Limited to say the least? Is that something you are basing upon the experience from your parents? Or with any deaf individuals in all your years?
    There may not be tons of deaf people who have the same kind of education as I did, but I am one of (I guess, I have no idea how many there are out there that is like me) the few(?) that is very intelligent regardless of my deafness.

    Secondly, I didn't go to college. I skipped that. I went through high school and that was that. I went to a private deaf school in Des Plaines (now moved to Northbrook, IL), IL.

    3444 Dundee Rd., Northbrook, IL 60062, 847/559-0110, tty 847/559-9493, Fax: 847/559-8199
    Serves deaf students & adults in resid setting

    Center on Deafness is a non-profit organization and they are dependant on donations from all over the United States. Both my mom and Indiana Vocational Rehab footed my educational bill. It's also the same school where actress Marlee Matlin attended and she took drama class there, which is to her credit lead to her success in landing a film based on the play "Children of a Lesser God". She was in a stage play in Chicago. Other cities had the same kind of play. Some fella in hollywood liked the play and sent some people in various cities hosting "Children of a Lesser God" and Marlee was picked out of all other deaf actresses. In other words, she got extremely lucky.
    Then later, she did TV movies as well as some big screen movies. She also had a short lived television series called "Reasonable Doubt" whom she played a deaf attorney.

    By the way, her literacy is far higher than mine. Hell, she's better than I am. I am damn proud to have known her. I also dated her girlfiend Janine Therese (Tracy) Alesia. Great girl. Only problem is I'm a country boy and she's a city girl. We never did pan out, but it wasn't that any of a big deal of a loss for the both of us. We're still in touch from time to time. She has a beautiful daughter now, 13 years old.

    The big deal was I lost my fiancee two years ago. I told Jesika alot about it via our email corespondance. That's another story. I may talk about it some other time.

    Back on track....

    Center on Deafness also runs a special program called ICODA (The International Center on Deafness and the Arts )

    The school also has a theraputic program with special councelors and shrinks (I can't spell Physwhatever spells) that works with kids like me who are mentally and emotionally screwed up because of their deafness and like me, I had a hard time accepting my deafness growing up. I'll explain more in a bit.

    Anyway I spent 4 years there at CoD. Before that I spent 8 years in a special ed classes in a HEARING -SCHOOL. Big mistake on my mom's part and she realized that later, hence I ended up at CoD in my latter years. (Which the school basically saved my life) I was really really messed up bad in those special ed hearing school because it's not only mixed with deaf and hard of hearing stupids but also surrounded by ALOT of hearing kids who attend regular classes outside of the special ed program.
    Hearing kids would make fun of us because we were "different" and I would end up in the principle's office more times than I could count for fights with the hearing kids. At that time I absolutely hated the hearing kids the same as a redneck would hate black people. I despised(s?) them and my hate was so bad that I wished I could kill them all.

    Fortunantly, I never killed anybody and I'm glad I never did. I would hate to think what my life would be like if I had murdered some kid on account of my hate.

    What makes matter even worse was that I hated my deafness. I wouldn't accept it. Simply because as I have posted earlier, my father told me when I was 8 years old that I was a worthless crap of a human being (he said "sh*t" actually) and that I would never amount to anything. Like I said before, something inside me died.

    What I did not say is that I spent many years, wasted years trying to win my father's love and acceptance and I never got any from him. Now he's an old man, 79 years old and he could choke at any given time and I would most likely never get what I have sought all my life.

    I know God accepts me for who I am and He loves me. But it's not the same as my wants from my own biological father. I'm so hungry for his love and acceptance that I have no idea what I am going to do or react to it when my father dies.

    I was also suicidal growing up as well, hence that's where my mom found CoD, completed with not only meeting my educational needs, but also my mental and emotional needs.

    Like I said in my previous posts. I beat my mom because I didn't know how to handle my problems nor did I know how to communicate with my mother. I spent too many years keeping my problems verbally to myself, except with my fists. I was also angry at my father for not accepting me that I wanted to beat my dad, but couldn't because when he yelled at me at the age of 8, he scared the crap out of me. So I was deathly afraid of my father, plus he was bigger than me. So I took advantage of my mother's frail skinny body and would beat her instead. Plus she was an alcoholic and most of the time she was drunk when I had beat on her. Funny thing is, she accepted the beatings because she felt like she deserved it like she had done something wrong in her marriage.

    Dad would go out and have affairs with other women and mom knew about them. So to hide from her emotional pain, she would get drunk.

    So with me up at CoD, she got help too. She entered in a alcohol rehab. She spent a year there. Got sober and stayed sober right up to the day when she died in November 28,. 1993. She was 67.

    We reconciled our differences and our bond became stronger with each other moreso that we've ever had in many years. I told mom how sorry I was in the way I treated her during those years and she forgave me. She never told dad about the beatings. Plus my dad would be gone for weeks or even months at a time that none of the bruises would be visible by the time he came home. Most of the beatings was middle body and I barely ever touched her face. But I have touched her face a number of times and the bruises would already be healed before dad came home from whereever the hell he was for a month or two.Had dad know, I would probably have ended up six feet deep in the ground. My sister and brother never knew of it either. They both had already moved out before all this started. (I was born 10 years after my brother, mom was 38 when she had me)

    Now as far as the "pity" thing goes. I am not asking for pity from ANYBODY. I dont' want any of your pity, period. I would explain WHY I am having a hard time finding a new job or even a part time job for that matter. I'm tired of having to explain this over and over again. I explained it already and I'm not gonna do it again, so read my previous post and if none of you readers can't accept it, tough. That's your problem, not mine.

    you said in one paragraph that idioms were a difficulty and just a post or two later your mother was "fighting tooth and nail" hmmm tooth and nail eh? Thats quite a mouthful of idiomic english vocabulary...if by some random chance I am wrong then I will be more than glad to retract my statements but I wonder about the validity of your claim to being "deaf". Even if you are, use some other reason to justify your need for assitance. Being deaf is no excuse for not being able to get ahead...

    "fighting tooth and nail" is too easy for me to figure that out. Because of the word "fighting" makes the rest of the words easy to figure out what it means. DUH!

    "Kettle calling pot black"...what the heck does that mean? I hearing it tons load of times and I never have figure out what it means nor do I know the origins of it. Beats the heck out of me. I never bothered to ask and this idiom looks dumb, so I don't use it.

    "You're full of baloney" is another thing that took me a while to figure out, but I eventually did. It means the same as you're full of crap! LOL

    And speaking of crap. This is a very interesting witch hunt some folks have going against me, nitpicking me and trying to find wrongs about me. Now why does this all look familar to me? Hmmmm? Lemme guess, this have anything to do with the fact that you all were once Jehovah's Witness? The game callerd witch hunt seems to be the number one sports game that JWs play on each other all the time. Even the Elders play the same game. Even after many get df'ed from the so called "truth". The game still goes on outside the organization.

    This is interesting indeed.

    On a final note, as of this day at present with my life. I do NOT use my deafness as an excuse for ANY reason at ANY given time no matter what the situation may be. I want to be absolute perfectly clear on this matter. I do not use my deafness as an excuse when I cannot find a better job. I do not use my deafness as an excuse when I am behind my bills.

    For the record, today at this day, I am not ashamed of being deaf, I used to be, but no more! I stand with my chin high and mighty proud to be deaf and I REFUSE to allow anyone to tell me any different.

    Now if anyone wants records of my audioalogy(s?) tests that I have been through growing up, I would be happy to provide my records. I will have to write a letter and request a release forms for me to fill out and I will need names and addresses of whom are requesting copies of my records mailed to.

    Is there anything else?

    Edited by - Yizuman on 8 December 2002 7:6:13

  • Yizuman
    No you don't. You need to meet with your mortgage provider and arrange for a re-structure of your loan.

    Ok, how does that work? Pardon me as I suck at finances. That's something new to me. In fact, my sister helped me get this loan to begin with, all I did was sign the papers along with her signature as the co-signer. But I am the one that is responsible for paying my monthly installments on my mortgage (I am learning to spell this correctly after seeing how you spell it, I'll do my best to remember it next time ), so any screw ups made by me is my own.

    If I go out and ask to do this, what am I supposed to say to the loan officer? What do I need to look for?

    If you can help teach me this, I'll print this out and head down to the office on my day off Tuesday and do exactly as you say to the letter. No more and no less.

    And also thank you for suggesting this.

    By the way, is that photo icon your actual picture? You sure look like the actor who plays Q from Star Trek.

  • teenyuck

    You claim you have no credit, yet you have a mortgage?! Oh, your sister co-signed for it. Guess what....she too is responsible. If you don't pay she can/should. If she cannot/will not, her credit goes down the crapper. Along with the credit you claim you don't have.

    You may want to give sis a call. And remind her that her credit (if she has any) is at risk.

    You use "Duh" in a written sentence.

    fighting tooth and nail" is too easy for me to figure that out. Because of the word "fighting" makes the rest of the words easy to figure out what it means. DUH!

    "Kettle calling pot black"...what the heck does that mean? I hearing it tons load of times and I never have figure out what it means nor do I know the origins of it. Beats the heck out of me. I never bothered to ask and this idiom looks dumb, so I don't use it.

    You claim to understand "fighting tooth and nail" for something, yet not understanding what "kettle calling the pot black" means.

    You are a fraud.

  • waiting

    From my poor previous written response (and responses back to me) on a prior occasion of someone needing money, I'll be brief - and make damned sure I ask no questions. It would seem that the rules for this type of etiquette have changed, however.

    There are agencies you can find in the yellow pages who will help you contact your mortgage company. Some of these are gov. agencies - they will help you restablize your money, or lack thereof. They can also help you get in touch with your other debtors to re-structure a time payment. And they will also be able to explain foreclosure laws to you - none of us most likely can do that.

    If you co-signed credit papers with your better get in contact with her pronto. Her credit rating is on the line too, and she could be held responsible for the entire amount of your loan, including interest. Trust me on that one. You can both seek help together. If you can't find these agencies.....any bank should be able to help you with names. An attorney who deals with bankruptcy will have this info too.

    Food banks, shelters & churches (not jw's however) will be able to help you find food.

    Noblesville, IN, eh? Beautiful countryside. I'm originally from Indpls & Kokomo area. Winters can be hard there - no matter what anyone else says. I was divorced with 3 little kids during a winter in Kokomo. Life can be hard anywhere.


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