Mystla: Welcome to the board! It was a painful lesson on the price of gullibility when I decided to get reinstated some 20 years ago. I let myself think that it would all get better, but deep down I knew I was just sticking my head in the sand. "Fool me once," this time I'm out for good.
Alligator Wisdom: Howdy back at ya, mate So right, and that is a big part of why I feel so much better...stop and smell the roses without the guilt and distraction of busy-busy-always-need-to-be-busy-ness.
happy man: I think that a language barrier may be the problem here?
hippikon: Unless I'm mistaken, isn't Bart supposed to be mooning? A good part of getting on with life, eh? Show them your back side and never look back!
Robyn: Another indefatigable spirit! (Sorry, but how often do I get a chance to use a 6 syllable word? )
Guest 77: As long as we are on one of those roads, any one, then yes. It's so easy though, when we think we're just going to take a short break, to sit on that roadside bench, and sit on it, and sit on it.
((ugg)): You are a prime example of what I'm talking about! You just keep on choogling, gal. You are an inspiration!
Cheryl: Katie? Katie who? LOL Yeah, see you tonight at Meetup. Bringing a camera too, so wear your meeting clothes!