My esteemed Ladies & Gentlemen, I`m so sick of hearing this word, "SHUNNING" Lets get one thing straight JW`s DONT that's right, i said DONT shun. We need to start calling it what it truly is "PEER VICTIMIZATION" which is a person being made into a victim by someone else, and can have psychological and physical effects. Disfellowshipping and shunning are both part of victimization. The difference is that when you shun, the emphasis of badness is on the person or object being shunned. That is how they have made it acceptable,( example: I am shunning chocolate cake. WHY? it makes me fat, I am shunning the sun. WHY? I got a skin cancer last year.) O.K maybe not the best examples however the application of the word shunning is the same when applied to a person. When you hear some one say they are shunning some one , your first response is to ask WHY?. That in it`s self allows the one doing the shunning to justify their act of cruelty, by stating that the one being shunned is of bad moral standing. If on the other hand someone said I`m victimizing that person, you wouldn't even ask, you`d think WTF! and run. The emphasise of being morally bad is placed at the feet of the one`s doing the shunning. I am studying this subject at the moment. It is my believe that instead of using the indoctrinated word of shunning, and begin to use victimization in it`s place, it MAY lesson the feelings of blame for those who find themselves in this psychological torturous situation that has lead many to take their lives. I would love to hear your own thoughts on this . I am working with Marc and Cora from England, and they will in the near future be talking about this on youtube. thanks I know it`s been a long read.