The points are probably tallied up and stored up for all the world traveling done by the GB to stay in the top notch hotels around the globe on our dime or should I say on our points.
Consequences of staying on the recommended Hotel list
by Samaritan At the Well 23 Replies latest jw experiences
I really don't see what the beef is.
It is customary for "corporate" rates (which are a lot less than usual rates) to be enjoyed by employees/members who cannot then claim extra points as if they had paid a higher amount for the accommodation. I am an employee of a hospital and when I am out of town on business, my accommodation rate is through my employer and is documented as a corporate rate. I cannot then try to claim extra points.
Of courser, I am free to opt out of this arrangement.
The people closest to the Presiding Overseer were always the ones to get first glance at the list of hotels. So we typically got stuck with the cruddy hotels 45 minutes away. -
I just checked, and they did credit me my points last year. So it does not appear to be a universal thing.