"All the armies that ever marched, and all the navies that ever were built,and all the parliments that ever sat,all the kings that ever reigned,put together have not affected the life of man upon this earth as powerlly." "The historical result of Jesus' activities was more momentous,even from a strictly secular standpoint, than the deeds of any other character of history. A new era, recognised by the chief civilisations of the world, dates from his birth." Even calenders today are based on the year that Jesus was thought to have been born.Dates before that year are listed as B.C.,or before Christ,dates after that year are listed as A.D.,or anno domini (in the year of our Lord.)We know that there are many conflicting theories about Jesus,since this is the time of the year when He is put in focus,Who do you say Jesus is.? I appreciate your thoughts and comments in advance.As for myself I'm re-thinking the question since my children are out of the org. My wife and I are still in but inactive.Blueblades
Who do you say Jesus is?
by Blueblades 21 Replies latest jw friends
I still think that he is the son of God. That he is inferior to Jehovah, and created by Jehovah. That part of the teachings we received from the watchtower, I do agree with. But I don't know if Jesus and Michael the archangel are the same person. I have a hard time with that belief.
This is really a hard question for me to answer. You can't use popularity as a criteria for his being a true son of God. He believed the Hebrew scriptures which taught the flood legend, man being on the earth only 6,000 years etc. which doesn't seem to be true by the physical evidence found. There is no real evidence that Jesus was a living person in history if you view the historical writtings of his time. It just seems to be a faith thing and my faith is gone, done away by the things I've seen practiced in his name.
So it seems to me that he is a mysterious, figment of some religious people's minds, with no proof at all of his supposed spirit power and presence. If I'm wrong I will just die like everyone else on this earth and see what happens then.
Ken P.
I think he is who it says in the bible.
Do you mean was?
I could never accept that Jesus and Michael the Archangel were the same either. I couldn't get my head around that teaching and have felt guilty about it ever since. When I really think about it, I feel guilty about so many beliefs that I just cannot accept. I always thought there must be something wrong with me. I was told I was opinionated by one elder and a couple of the others just tolerate me.
I find it makes more sense to think of Jesus as separate from and inferior to Jehovah. I used to be RC and, to be honest, never really though about the teaching of the Trinity until I became a JW. Then, when I thought about it, I found it an impossible concept to understand so I just reasoned that, if the JWs were right about that, they must be right about everything else also.
I dont call him Jesus cos thats not his real name, as jehovah is not God's real name; they are erroneous.
Christ is my master (well thats debateable im not exactly the most obedient servant) and he is God's son. He has been given all authority however this does not make him equal to God in anyway. However Christ reflects JAH's personality, he is obedient and he does his Fathers will.
HE is the only way to JAH, we cannot go through anyone else, only Christ. Religion will do its best to mislead you but NOBODY else can lead us. (This includes MDS)
To say he has any part in organised religion would be blasphemy and he takes no part in the evils that wicked men hiding behind their dirty religions delight in. You go to him in your heart, you dont need to be in a specific place or building.
It is understandable that so many lose faith in God because of evils committed in his name by people who not know him. However just remember its people who did the evil things not God and not Christ.
Maybe oneday I will manage to finally have a proper relationship with God through Christ.
The greatest sociologist of all time.
His "way" of life works.
Jesus was before Christianity dogmatized and sterilized this philosophy of living.
One problem I run into is "Jesus" the man of History and the Christ Prophet; and that myth story.
Christ is my friend and I believe he is what we have the potential to be like.
Who do you say Jesus is?
He's the half-naked hispanic guy passed out on my couch...
One of many nutty Messiah-wannabees of his time who happened to be lucky enough to come to the attention of a very smart lawyer.