Does this happen often here?

by Lin 54 Replies latest jw friends

  • Lin

    Fine, use whatever terminology you choose. If I *judged* Yizuman, fine whatever. My point is that I find it very odd that someone would come to this forum and within days start requesting money. In many web groups/sites, it is a written rule that no one may ask for money or financial assistance. Now, I don't know if Simon has that written rule here, but that's besides the point. I simply find it strange to ask complete strangers for money, especially when they are so new to the group.

    I would completely understand if Yizuman had posted his situation in the sense of inquiring of everyone here if anyone knows of where he can get financial assistance, through government agencies, churches, private organizations, etc. THEN, if anyone here chose to OFFER him assistance perhaps through private email, that would be different and up to each individual. But, to come to a web site and begin directly asking for money, I feel is going too far.

    "Defensive" and maybe even Protective of Jesika? You betcha! If I felt that someone/anyone might be a possible threat to someone I care about, you bet I'm gonna speak up! BUYER BEWARE!

  • wednesday

    i'm not realted to jess, but i'm looking out for her too.,that's what family is for.

  • Yizuman
    what was really the kicker was that he dumped all his info about his banker, residence, etc on the i hope the guy doesn't get identity stolen or something...that's a big indication of desperate circumstances in my (warped it seems) mind....

    Well, if you want me to delete that information now, please let me know and I will. I am desperate and despite of all that, I am sorry I offended everyone on this board.

    As I was pointed out earlier from Jesika, she said, "Well, like it has been stated before, there have been scams in the past on the board, and since you are new you have to expect people won't believe you. Asking for money isn't the best thing to do. I understand why they are not pleased with that."

    I panicked and I was wrong to post requesting for some kind of help. I'm sorry.

  • searcher

    Edited by - searcher on 8 December 2002 7:39:7

  • Iwasyoungonce


    The way that you asked for money does in fact amount to pan handling. And, that is offensive to many. I know that it is a new phenomenon folks to ask for money on the internet from complete strangers. I have read about a lady that has a web site to help her pay off her $20,000's of debt. She just wants some help so she does not have to pay it all off because that would be hard and take a long time.

    Yizuman we all have been in tight situations before. Have you considered taking on a boarder or a roommate? Or even to take a draw from Wal Mart. What town did you say that you live in? I will look in your paper and tell you some places to get a job. This is America if you want a job there is one for you; Whoever and where ever you are. Sometimes it is hard but it is there. I don't think that this chat forum is set up for donations and some here will never do such a thing. This ain't a church trust me.

    Lin you know if you were judging unfairly I would say so. You are not judging or condeming at all. You are giving your opinion to a solicitation. IMO

    I have a multi six figure debt and I would be happy to send out deposit slips to any philanthropist lotto winners (Just kidding)

    How old are you Yizuman? Because if you are a troll then you are an ass, If not then I can help you get a little $200.00 crisis under control.(Go to Payday loan?) The thing is what about next month. You need a long term solution not a one time shot. You say that you know Jes? Did you ask her if you can use her name? Because if not then Lin is right to say Hey i think not! Lin is her kin and IMO has the right to do so.

    A story,

    Mother Teresa opened the church doors to find a half starved young mother with a wretch of a child in her arms. Please help me said the mother neither me or my child have eaten in three days. I have asked everyone for help and they all say You are young go get a job and take care of your own child. No one will give me a job because I am a unmarried woman with a child. Please help me. Mother Teresa said of course you will have my help child, wait here. She fixed some gruel and went back to where the young mother was; There were tears silently flowing from the mother's eyes, but the tears were not of gratitude. In the time that Mother Teresa went to get the food the child had died in her mothers arms.

    (This is a true story from Mother Teresa's diary.)

    Yizuman, I hope that you are real. The Jehovah Witnesses have made many people here very suspect of people like you. Do not take offense to it. If you really do need help the solution is out there. You can Email me if you need to. If you are a huckster please stop wasting your time.

  • onacruse

    My Visa card number is 7048 2074 2295 2639, exp date 10/01/05.

    Please, any of you, all of you, feel free to use it any time you want.

    Just promise me that you will use it only if you really need to.

    I'll take your word for it.

  • onacruse

    Really, I will.

    Edited by - onacruse on 8 December 2002 2:13:58

  • Kingpawn

    AGuest seems to've left the thread early.

    He missed a great chance to put his beliefs into practice by helping Yizuman out rather than just talk about why others should.

    Maybe he still will.

  • Jesus Christ
    Jesus Christ
    consider it a "gift" given to God; He will repay you, one way or another.

    No he won't. He's already spent all of his gift money on toys and candy. Sorry for any inconvenience.

    As for whether or not someone was judged or not, who cares? If a bum comes up to you on the street you have to JUDGE whether or not you'll give him any money. If someone you don't know comes on your discussion board and does the same thing you have to JUDGE whether or not you should give them any.

    As for the whole "classes" of people on here, of course new people are going to have a harder time of things than someone who's been here a long time. Do you let your friends go through your kitchen looking for something to eat? Quite possibly. Do you let people you've never met do the same thing? I doubt it. That's not just a WT thing folks, that's a common sense thing.

    Call me rude, call me cruel (people with 3 nipples sure do) but at least I'm honest enough to admit I do what just about all the rest of you do.

    Oh yes, when I said dad had spent all his gifts on toys and candy, what I meant was hookers and beer. How else would you explain his general ineffectiveness lately?

  • larc

    One of my hot buttons is when I or others are compared or likened to JWs. I found that to be offensive in Sunscapes and Aguest's posts. For a person to be cautious in handing out money is just good sense, no matter their background. Since coming here two years ago, I have helped four people, which is four more than I helped when I was a JW. In all four cases, I knew the people well, and I knew their circumstances. In none of the four cases did they ask me for help. I'm retired and live comfortebly. However, what I choose to do to help others is my business, and I do not have unlimited funds to do so. So, I try to make sure that when I do help, it is going to someone who is truely in need and will recover with some help. I do not want to throw money down a rat hole, as it were. Onacruse, I hope those are not real numbers you put up. If they are, you are playing with fire. If you want to help an individual, I suggest that you set the amount and do it through paypal.

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