Oh my god, I went to a meeting a year ago, with my girl friend, in a town back east I live in Utah, I sing in Night Clubs and Bars and have a really great time. I go to the Hall and it comes time to sing, now I am used to really letting it all hang out when I sing, so I give it all I got, I seen all these's heads turn and look at me, they could tell right off the bat that I am not a good JW cause I have a beard like Jesus wears, but I know the tunes because I was raised listioning to them, I loved it, they don't really sing I noticed, its sad, cause singing could be so much a part of worship, but its like you can't even do that cause if your a good singer you might stumble the others cause it may be competion, what a bunch of BS, the PO, looked down his nose cause I was singing like I had life in me . Pepper
Singing in the Kingdon Hall - laughing
by Pepper 21 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
I remember a meeting where the topic actually was the singing part. We [the brothers and sisters] were al encouraged to really sing with all we got. A few were even brought unto the stage and explained why they were so shy to sing. Then, to make it all just complete, the elder that conducted the meeting explained why we should sing, and HOW we should sing. Chest forward, head up etc..... It reminded me of music class.
years ago, i had a friend visting at my home. We diecided to sing kingdom songs. they were on vinyl then(yeah i'm old). My husband put the record on and the sis and i were desperately trying to sing this song-but couldn' quite figure out why it sounded odd. My husband had put he speed form 45 to 78 and we just sang faster to keep up. he laughed for days about that. We had no idea why we couldn"t keep up.
most of the time i just pretended to sing.....really terrible those songs. those songs certainly needed bringing into the 80's.
We had one of those old brothers made of iron from back in the old days, a WWII vintage elder. Those guys weren't afraid to sing. This guy couldn't carry a tune in a bucket, but you could hear him braying and bellowing over everybody else in the hall.
Actually, he was a pretty neat guy, for a totally brainwashed type. He wasn't haughty or holier-than-thou, he was kindly and thoughtful. He knew he couldn't sing on key but he told me he sang like that anyway to encourage the friends to go ahead and sing it out even if they didn't sound good. He figured maybe his loudness would cover them up enough that they would get the courage to go ahead and open up. :)
I enjoyed singing when I was a newbie.
My last year or so in, I was so distracted and not with the program that I often would totally goof up during the songs (singing the wrong verse, messing up the words, etc.)
One time I came into a meeting late (not a rare occurrence) and i missed the opening song. I sat down in front of a sister who I had never seen before, she was visiting. Well, the song to open the second meeting starts and this sister starts to sing SO LOUD, and not a good singing voice at all, very grating. I had to scrunch up my face as tight as I could to keep from busting out laughing, tears were coming out of my eyes. I must have been a sight. It was like this through the entire song, and the closing song also.
I liked the reddish pinkish color of the old songbooks
It is a shame that many hardly enjoy the singing, what with those 'dirgy' poetical type songs it's not easy!
I very much regretted not being able to sing any of the songs at school, birthday songs, Xmas Carols, easter, daily assembly (glory to God songs)
From my cold seat on the school stairs it all sounded very much like fun....enjoyable, I really do blame my withdrawal from such thing's as a reason for not being a particularly good singer, afterall one is supposed to train the voice. How can you stand a chance of training it, when you are withdrawn from almost every opportunity there is?
The Spanish have great voices as singing is very much a part of their culture.....lovely!
Our KH,sounded terrible.I do remember one time,the elders giving a talk for us to give it our all ,when we sang.It just sounded like a bunch on moaning and fighting to put the words together.I used to hate it,when we had people visiting....yeh..singing phrases to Jehovah all right.
Even at assemblies...did you feel they were sung with heart?I recall hearing the music over the singing despite the 1000's of people there.
To be fair (lol) the only song which was sang with ' vigour &Vim ' was ' We're Jehovahs Witness' ....We speak out in fearlessness. Ours is the God of true prophecy! What he fortells comes to be!'
Guess what? I hav'nt heard THAT little number sang in....well.....years. I really wonder why!