If You Could, What Would You Change About Yourself

by minimus 39 Replies latest jw friends

  • WildHorses

    I'd go back to the age of 18.(knowing what I know now) I'd still be a virgin and this time I'd keep it that way. I'd make sure I went to college and become that RN I always wanted to be.

    Can you imagine all the Dr. I'd have after me now, being a 39 yr old virgin?

  • GatoCat

    Uh... Lilacs, hon... the thought of a 39 year old virgin is not exciting. It just makes a man start running down the list of possible reasons why she's spent half her life without sex.

  • WildHorses

    Yeah but Comf, once I tell them that it was MEN that made me want to go back in time and become a virgin again, I think that would change their mind.

  • ugg

    i would change just about everything...but i would especially like to be strong mentally...no more guilt,,shame,,insecurites,,ect ect ect...

  • LB

    I'd change my age for sure. If I go back to 21 do I get to keep the money I have now??

    If that wasn't possible I might get myself a nice set of boobies.

  • GatoCat

    Lilacs... I dunno, I'm missing something in your thought. You're saying you'd like to spend your life without sex, and men made you that way. This is supposed to appeal to a man? How?

  • WildHorses

    I don't know, I guess because men like a challange. Maybe i'm wrong, but who cares, I'm just in a mood. That's all.

  • GatoCat

    The idea of a 39 year old virgin calls to my mind the image of a flower bud that never opened, that spent the springtime with its petals still wrapped up inside itself while the bees were visiting its sibling roses.

    Reminds me of Dan Fogelberg's classic coming-of-age song, "Run for the Roses":

    And it's run for the roses
    As fast as you can
    Your fate is delivered
    Your moment's at hand
    It's the chance of a lifetime
    In a lifetime of chance
    And it's high time you joined in the dance;
    It's high time you joined in the dance.

    Dance while you're living, hon. Don't put your life on a shelf waiting for the perfect man who's going to make you feel validated. Validate yourself. The moments are passing.

  • Aztec

    I would like to be less thin-skinned. That's it.


  • LyinEyes

    I havent heard that song in years.......... thanks for bringing it up to remind me.

    Isnt the song about a beautiful horse, I had horses growing up and it reminds me of how I used to sit and just watch my horse run,,,,,,, they are the most beautiful creatures on the earth, to me.

    If I could change anything, it would have to be my past,,,,,,,,even if I couldn't change the events, I would have tried to enjoy my life more,,when I was younger . I would have enjoyed the kids more and I would have stopped and smelled the roses more.

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