Is there anything that jumps out at you ? Did a person ever do something that was so thoughtful, that you were overwhelmed by it?
What's The Nicest Thing Anybody's Done For You?
by minimus 35 Replies latest jw friends
There has never been "one" nice thing done for me.I do have many nice people in my life,that are kind and are there for me when I need them.
There is kind people here,that give listening ears.That in itself is a kind thing to do.It does a lot for a person to have someone who will listen and not sling mud at you for your problems.There is the odd person who will be crule with words,but I "try" my best to enore.
I will be forever grateful for those that supported me during my exit from the JW's. Particularly my real life friends, but also those online as well.
It was a make it or break it sort of time, where you laid it on the line and hoped for the best. My family didn't come along, but many friends did and people that became like family to me and without them I am quite certain my life would be in pieces.
Many online also put up with me as I agonized over the usual and tried to make sense of it all. So much that was discussed and read on public forums would ultimately be used in my personal life to help both myself and others. People have been very thoughtful and kind and I am very indebted to them all.
My girlfriend bought ME flowers yesterday! It was the nicest, most unexpected thing ever.
I've had a rough week - someone stole $950 from me on an online auction, and then yesterday I find out my mom is really sick. Just how sick will be known in a few short days....
So yeah, the flowers brought tears to my eyes. I'm so thankful for having such a wonderful woman in my life.
To be honest, not many nice things have been done for me, other than what my mom has done. I would do the same for my children so I don't think it's out of the ordinary.
However, one of the nicest things that's been done for me was very unexpected, and brought tears to my eyes.
This post, started by BG and everyone who replied. It doesn't take much to make me happy, and it's true what they say.........little things do mean A LOT!
Edited to add: It must be that time of the month. I went back to re read that post and when I got to the second page where Plm imbeded that file and the music started to play, the tears came rolling down.
I really need to get out more. Or i'll be
Edited by - Lilacs on 8 December 2002 12:11:44
I have had lots of nice things done for me in my lifetime......but the one that stands out the most was done by a stranger.
For those of you that don't know (haven't read my personal story) when my mother dropped me off at the bus station (after my decision to leave the dubs), I had no money, nowhere to go and was devastated. She simply told me to pack what I could carry, get in the car, and dropped me off at the Greyhound station. Not a hug goodbye, not a kiss, no tears from her....just a cold hearted woman.
It was cold outside and the station itself was closed. The parking lot was empty when she left. Here I sat, crying sitting on top of my suitcase. A very nice gray haired man came from nowhere, touched my shoulder and offered his warm car for me to sit in. He asked what was wrong and I told him. He listened to me while I tried to get the words out between sobs. He gave me change for the pay phone and brought my suitcase inside the station. When I was done w/my call, I turned around to thank this kind hearted man and he was gone. *POOF*
I will never know who that man was but he will always be someone special in my eyes. He was the first "worldly stranger" that disproved the dubs way of thinking that "worldly" people are bad/wrong. Here my own mother, so-called Christian, was so cruel and unkind, yet her comes a stranger who took time out of his morning to help a sobbing teenager he saw.
I may never know what his name was, where he came from......I realize that the only thanks I can give is to return his kindness and generosity to those people that somehow cross my path in life. Giving back what was given to me........God Bless him where ever he is.
animal,,,,who said he would be proud to be my brother,,,,
jesika,,,,who opened her heart so unconditionally to accept me....
i will treasure each of those moments for life....these two moments...DEEPLY,,DEEPLY TOUCHED ME...
i think of you both alot....words aren't worthy i hope you know and understand...thank you so much for who you are...
Once I was completely out of money (actually I had one dime I found in my car) And no where to live. I had been on job interveiws all day with no hope of getting one. My last interview was to take care of an elderly lady. I went in and her son like me so much he said that they had a spare room and if I would mind moving in. I said sure ( he had no idea i had no money or anywhere to go) He then gave me a $100.00 dollar bill to pay me in advance . When he left , I rememer sitting in the living room looking out the window...The house was right on the beach with a panoramic veiw of the ocean....Here I was one minute broke and the next living in a multi-million dollar home. Still amazes me today!!
Scooter...wherever that kind man is, God blessed him for helping you honey. Can you link me to your story?
I think most recently, the kindest thing done for me was my mother in law coming down and taking care of my family while I underwent a hysterectomy and recovery. And...since my husband is a Jw and she was , at the time anyway, an EXJW, it was probably uncomfortable for her. When I finally came home from the hospital after four rough days, my house and my yard were neat and clean and the larder full so I wouldnt have to worry about anything. It wasso nice to be able to come home and relax, and know my kids were well taken care of. Unfortunately as soon as she left my side, she decided to go back to the hall...and hasnt spoken to me since. :( what can you do.