Won't get fooled again ...Moon Landing.

by The Rebel 579 Replies latest jw friends

  • freemindfade

    @ cappytan. What parts are impossible? (Playing devils advocate to keep this madness rolling :o )

    I only say this because sometines our idea of deceptions is much much grander than reality.

    What part would need to be falsified? The transmitting of a grainy video to the world? I know there are a lot of other elements. But out straight arrow brains tend to always make things a lot more complex. And I ask because I don't really know, was a rocket shot up there. Most definitely. There are a lot of factors. But when playing games with people. Sometimes only small parts need to be tweaked to create illusion. Not everything.

    In any event where is my color footage from the moon!! Is the official word Nasa taped over it like an old super bowl game? Lol

    They need to finish that new fancy engine so we can go up there cappy and settle this once and for all.

  • freemindfade

    Lisarose now your talking my language!!

  • The Rebel
    The Rebel

    Freemindfade no I didn't go to the moon. and I will partisipate in any debate conducted in a respectful way. I am happy to concede my critical thinking skills may not be the best,and that my knowledge of the subject limited. I would ask posters to appreciate that.

    So why did I bring the topic up? Well like myself I am also sure that most people who have never doubted the Apollo moon landing have never thought about nor have they looked at the science. ( what does that say about critical thinking?)

    That is not to say I will conclude man didn't go to the moon, but shouldn't all things be researched with an open mind?

    My independent research has led me to the genocide in Vietnam. I wonder if the money from NASA subcontractors was from the same companies that made the weapons of mass destruction?

    Did the Appollo programme distruct from Vietnam?

    Those questions may have nothing to do with if man landed on the moon, but personally I am pleased my research has bought the subject to my attention.

    As i am only researching. I also have not had time to check the validity of many statements people have made on this thread. ( hence my silence from the debate)

    personally I may well believe man did land on the moon, but do I trust governments "OOH so that's why we were over there. And it wasnt an act of terrorism, and it wasnt for the oil. It was publicised for many years what was wrong with the English Establishment. Only now has it been finally taken seriously that a list of politicians from across the political spectrum In England, maybe should have been accused of abusing children, including the late cabinet minister Leon Britton, Liberal Democrate Sir Cyril Smith, and former Prime Minister Sir Edward Heath. If these accusations are proved true I am pleased those who were ridiculed for exposing these crimes are vindicated. The point being what what was to absurd for people to believe may now be true.

    i am pleased I started this thread, I have found it informative, and hope comments can be posted in a constructive and not offensive manor, I mean what's the point of insulting and trying to make somebody look foolish.

    The Rebel.

  • talesin

    The Rebel .... i never doubted the moon landing, although the waving flag is kinda strange, but it is true that governments lie to their citizenry, on a regular basis. Also, the MOON LANDING was part of a bigger operation, one that was known in the 80s as Operation Star Wars (I guess Regan let that one out of the bag).

    It's not about exploring space - it's about the strategic placing of satellites to monitor, and weapons to control, any 'situations' that the rulers of our planet feel may need intervention.


  • freemindfade

    Hey rebel don't get mad. I believe the moon landing but I'm trying to help you here.

    I made the going to the moon comment to tease the entire post not you.

  • The Rebel
    The Rebel

    Freemindfade I wasn't mad at you, Thanks for the support " mate"

    Your friend.

    The Rebel

  • freemindfade

    And I believe Nasa is fully capable of some shady business. Such as playing with photographs and the like. I know those invovled in shenanigans when I see them.

    The real cover up is the aliens that kept us from returning ;)

  • snare&racket

    My great uncle worked in Australia on the audio transfer from the lander to earth, whilst the USA was facing away from the moon. He listened in to the mission live.

    i discussed it with him, I said I struggled to believe a live video transmission from the moon back then. After discussing it for some time we came to a mutual maybe that they got there but the video footage was not live.

    Also I think SOME of the photos are doctored for PR, if not some being totally faked. The flag waving is not abnormal, the flag has a rod running through the top of it, without gravity it would move for longer not a shorter time.

  • Viviane
    In any event where is my color footage from the moon!! Is the official word Nasa taped over it like an old super bowl game? Lol

    You've already seen color footage from the moon landing. If you want more, go look for it.

    It's not about exploring space - it's about the strategic placing of satellites to monitor, and weapons to control, any 'situations' that the rulers of our planet feel may need intervention.

  • freemindfade

    Viv. Pumpkin. Read my internet lips lol.

    I want footage from the moon. The moon mission footage you supplied was most excellent and I thoroughly enjoyed it. But it did not include color footage from the moon itself.

    Why did they record over the color footage of them walking on the moon and such? One of the most important pieces of history. It's not proof they didn't get there but the fact is it does not exist even though they made it. Perhaps it showed the aliens and had to be disposed of...

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