Dad is gone

by jack2 54 Replies latest jw friends

  • Cassiline

    (((((((((( Jack )))))))

    So sorry to hear of your loss. Know you are in my thoughts. I have passed this on before but feel as if they are so soothing, I would like to repeat them.

    Do not stand at my grave and weep I am not there. I do not sleep. I am a thousand winds that blow.
    I am the diamond glints on snow. I am the sunlight on ripened grain.
    I am the gentle autumn rain. When you awaken in the morning's hush
    I am the swift uplifting rush. Of quiet birds in circled flight.
    I am the soft stars that shine at night. Do not stand at my grave and cry;
    I am not there. I did not die.

    Jordan's Song

    A vane turns as young leaves begin to rustle,a limb gently bends..
    I remember back to when I was ten
    sitting with my grandpa on the front porch swing
    "Another traveler just past by," he says.
    Then gently, he draws on his blackened hickory pipe
    and leans back with a bit of a smile.
    "Travelers?" I ask.
    "I see nothing but fields and blue skies.
    Grandpa, what do you mean?"
    He tells me to shut my eyes
    and only listen as he softly begins,
    "Some men see only with their eyes and others,
    with their hearts.
    But I was only ten when my grandfather taught me to see within my
    So shut your eyes and open your mind now."
    Feel the wind, how it blows;
    do you ever wonder from where it comes,
    or to where it goes.
    Who starts the wind, and why?
    Some are just a gentle breeze,
    others uproot mighty trees.
    It lifts the birds into the sky
    then, it stops as if to die.
    See the wind against the sky...
    another traveler just past by.
    So, now I see though within my eyes.
    The wind, it blows with each passing of a soul.
    On angels' wings I see the breeze and, I feel the air
    of a travelers' hand gently through my hair.
    "Oh Grandpa, I see, I really do!"
    The wind, it lives.
    It lifts the birds and moves great trees.
    And it even stops
    then, it kisses me and whispers in my ear...
    "Remember me when you feel a breeze,
    a vane that turns, the rustling leaves.
    I'm with you still, I always will."
    ...another travelers just past by.



  • MrMoe

    Jack - Couldn't post yesterday... darn posting limits... really glad though that we were able to talk hun...

    You have my number now, and if you ever feel low and need to talk, feel free to cry on my shoulder sweetie. My heart goes out to you, words fail me, just know we all care.

    Hugs and Love,


  • teenyuck

    {{{Jack}}} My deepest sympathy.

  • Dismembered

    Dear Jack

    Sorry to hear about your loss

  • Shakita


    Losing a parent is like losing a little bit of ourselves. So sorry. I am glad you have good memories to look back on. They really do mean so much.

    Mrs. Shakita

  • jack2

    Wow, so many great replies.....Dede, I am very sorry to hear about that situation with your dad. As for your father-in-law, I very much enjoyed reading what you wrote about him. As for my expectations with regard to my dad, I guess being a jw for so long has ingrained the earth-resurrection expectation into me, and I don't really mind that too much - seeing him back as a young man one day would sure be nice. But, many people are more comforted by hoping that their loved ones are in heaven, and personally, I am open to that possibility too.

    Amanda, thank you for your number, and yes, I think I may indeed be giving you a call. Our chat was very helpful!

    XenaW, thank you for your reply. We've had some very nice chats and you are always willing to listen.

    Cami, your e-mail, in which you included Jordan's Song, was very touching! Thank you! And I wish you a continued speedy recovery.

    And thank you so much teenyuck, Mrs. Shakita, Dismembered, Viv, Trot, Robyn, Onacruse, WT, Mackin, TR, newlight, npy, LB, ugg, blondie, freedom, Prisca, minimus, path, becky, kelpie, avishai, Harmony, Angharad, Karla, and everyone else who has taken time to post and IM and e-mail such kind thoughts!

    Edited by - jack2 on 9 December 2002 12:16:22

    Edited by - jack2 on 9 December 2002 12:25:53

  • TruckerGB

    My deepest sympathy Jack2,I know what losing a parent is like,and know what you are going through.

    Take care,


  • Dogpatch

    My thoughts and prayers are with you Jack.

    Randy Watters

    Net Soup!

  • outnfree


    Sorry to hear of your loss. Sounds like your father raised one very good man by example.


  • Joyzabel

    My condolences, (((Jack2))) & family.

    Keep the good thoughts about your dad and review them as often as needed.


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