I am following the sci-fi channel presentaion of steven spielbergs taken . I tell you what this is one cool mini series .Anyone here claim to be abducted ?They say the show is based on accounts reported by people claiming to be Taken . Personally I don't believe in flying saucers and little green men but I love science fiction .Any thoughts on this??
by heathen 18 Replies latest social entertainment
So what do you think these things are??? And don't tell me you think it's swamp gas!
wow I didn't think anyone would reply to this post lol . congratulations ,you have just won a free 1 year supply of swamp gas .lol I think that since programs like project blue book came up with no solid evidence that there aren't any ufos .As far as why people keep making these claims of encounters can be explained by peoples desire to be different and to claim fame for something.I also wouldn't put it past the government to choose certain unsuspecting people for various tests. If you ever saw jacobs ladder the movie which really raised alot of suspicion in my mind as to how far the government would go to experiment with psychological warfare or various chemicals. Are you watching the show? ,they are really putting the government in a bad light with a very devious plot of treating citizens as nothing but people to be manipulated and killing people that get in the way .I am loving every minute of it .
Me and my husband are watching it. Boy are those crawfords a slimey bunch Enjoying it very much
I was like "who needs the sapranos" when the col. was still alive .man was that guy ruthless. I'm starting to like the little girl alot as a main charachter she's so cute .tomorrow looks like a pretty exciting one .can't wait.
Alien Abductions: well I think that its wierd that just when all the sci-fi films come out, people start saying they've been abducted.
I think the best of example of people over reacting to the phenomena of aliens and UFO s was the 1950 s when they aired the presentation of war of the worlds and people went nuts thinking everything and anything was a UFO .It is unbelievable how little it takes for things to go out of control .Who needed high tech movies and such ,it was only a radio show that left it all to the imagination.
Yeh I saw a movie length documentary about it you must see it. It was called Men In Black.
1950 s when they aired the presentation of war of the worlds and people went nuts
I didn't see anyone going nuts, I remember those years as being pretty good years.
I don't normally watch much TV but I took the hook on this one. I can't wait to see what these darn aliens plans really are.
You should read 'Demon Haunted World' by Carl Sagan. He discusses the UFO phenomenon.