what can I say?

by Lassie 13 Replies latest jw friends

  • Lassie

    I have been lurking around here for a little while and have read just about all the folders in mostly the "friends" category and seems like if I were to tell my story it would be ...yawn....boring. I have read and almost cried (okay, so, I did really cry)during and after reading some of the stories of the your lives as JW's...I have laughed at most of the stories about stuff that goes on in the KH's (been there....and could relate or at least imagine). Then I think about my own pathetic entrance, exit, entrance, exit from the organization and it (mine) seems so hum-drum. Regardless, I just want to say that it is really neat to find a site that tells it like it is.
    See, once you are "out" you are OUT! And funny until now, I never knew that there were people that felt or thought or went through the same stupid stuff I went through. I grew up with four brothers (we fought all the time...like brothers and sisters do (in dysfunctional families....of course) and my mom referred to us as Satan's children because we would actually fight with each other to the point of rolling out the front door into the front yard...(kids!), not to mention this was during the "Fear and Loathing 70's" when we were pressured to get babtized at an early age regardless of understanding...we were subliminally encouraged to get married at a young age to avoid the sins of "dating"...at least that is how I saw it, because back then (around '74-75 it seemed like 17 yr olds were getting married).
    I got baptized at 15 (I think) and had no idea what it was about other than thinking it "might"save me (or make me more attractive to the older baptized brothers... WRONG!...thank GOD now). 15 is NOT a good age to do any sort of committing! Oh well. At home we were disgusting and treated each other horribly, except for on Thursdays and Sundays and of course on those dreaded saturday of "field service" (forgot to mention the Tuesday night "book" study too). Oh how I wished I could sleep in and be a normal kid and watch cartoons or whatever kids did then....nooooo. Had to go "Knock-knock...slam, slam". We put on our pretty crappy clothes for the Kingdom Hall (you remember the 70's...ugggh) I had to wear hand me-downs from the 50's...it sucked (we were poor). Like one the young lady in a thread I read said and I feel the same, my childhood is a blank...I can't remember being a kid (not to mention I was also a survivor of the secret..."in-house" molestation, that I was to be made felt responsible for). I only remember the "rules" if I wanted Eternal life. They didn't include anything remotely fun. And if anyone thinks CONG picnics were fun...you are nuts unless you were the ones in the bushes making out with someone! But since we lived in Arizona it wasn't really possible to hide in the bushes...we couldn't hide!

    I am really rambling, because I only wanted to say that I like this place. I look forward each day to getting on line and reading posts (loved all the pictures too). I am too chicken to write most of the time because I feel that I cannot compare to the stories here, nor really do I want to, I guess it just makes me feel good to know that I have not been alone all these years in my guilt....and finally am coming out of it. I smoke, drink, cuss and sometimes run for long distances or just pack up my dog and drive to New Mexico where I feel closer to something I have never felt close to in all my life....ME (did I refer to myself as a thing?). And as Martha would say, "That's a good thing". Me, I am a good THING. YOU ALL ARE GOOD THINGS TOO! THANKS.

  • Brummie

    Purrrrrrrrs at Lassie

    Welcome aboard, glad you came out from lurking and posted....very interesting story too, looking forward to hearing more about you


  • DakotaRed

    Lassie, hello and welcome.

    Please don't feel your story or contributions are any less than any others around here. We all have them and all are interesting. We all have been hurt and how do you measure who is hurt any worse than anyone else? You can't.

    So, pull up a chair, grab a beer and pop some popcorn and enjoy. Jump right in anywhere. You will find you are as important as any other who posts here.

    Lew W

  • Lassie

    thanks for the replies. I am looking forward to being an active part of this group. you guys/gals make me laugh and think, or is it think and laugh? All I know is it is a few hours till dawn here and am wondering why in the heck i am still awake...what is wrong with me...? why do I have such a horrible time at going to sleep? where are you brummie? where are you DakotaRed? Surely if you are in the US it has to be LATE (or really early). thanks for not thinking me silly.

  • moreisbetter

    You can say it ALL. Whatever you want. And cry all you want. I thought my story was boring too, it just didn't seem to compare to the other horror stories I was reading

    But you know what? your story is important because you are. you deserve to be heard. Your experience helped me realize I'm not alone. AND it will help others and you will be helped as well. And, by god, If we're not alone, then there's nothing wrong with us, but something wrong with THEM I particularly identified with marrying at 17 during the 74-75. I did just that. Married at 16 Oct 75.

    Take care, I look forward to hearing more from you. t

  • Been there
    Been there

    Welcome aboard Lassie,

    Glad you decided to pop in and let us know you are here. I haven't told my story yet, I think its boring. One of these days though. Keep posting and enjoy.

    I'm Northern KY and it's really early.

    Edited to add: I also got baptized in 73 at 17 (the push was on) and married in 74 at 18. Had to get baptized so I could get married in the KH. I wasn't ready to.

    Edited by - Been There on 9 December 2002 5:10:20

  • ugg

    hi,,,nice to meet you...welcome to the forum....

  • greven

    Welcome aboard!

    I lurked quite a while too before posting, but I will never regret that! nice to hear from ya!


  • Brummie

    Hello again Lassie

    I am in England so it was reeeeal early when I posted. I'm working night shift for a while...so it gives me something to do while at work...lol, admittingly even when at home I HAVE to come in and keep up with everything.

    I lurked too back in 2001 (I think) but then never came back until being reintroduced to the board in September this year... that reintroduction came at the right time as I was going silently mad about something, but hey...I'm over it! thanks to being able to chat to such a great exjw community.

    Chatcha later

    Brummie (hands lassie a fishbone)

  • DakotaRed

    Lassie, hello again. In answer to your question, I am in Washington State and it was late alst night. But, I'm on vacation all week, so I can stay up late and play.

    I hope you have a better time sleeping tonight. Maybe a small glass of wine or hot milk before going to bed?

    Lew W

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