Outanfree...what they say to the mass of R&F and other readers is one thing...what happens behind the scenes in the "business" of religion is another...cash is the blood of any organization...for whatever reasons, the management feels a need to get a better handle on expenses and effeciencies.
Printing /Jehovah Ain't Paying!
by metatron 13 Replies latest jw friends
I can't help but sneer everytime I read anything about the society making some move or other with their facilities. These kinds of moves take years to plan and execute.
But I remember like it was last week, the elder asking the cong. if we were planning our finances until retirement, ... if we had our personal business planned out 5 or ten years into the future. "Have you no faith?" was his follow-up question. The folly of those that listened to that crap - I imagine many regret it more and more every day.
So I ask, if they are actually far enough along to announce such a move, and I assume that they started planning for this years ago: Have you no faith?
Doesn't the bible say "test me out please...........and I will pour a blessing upon you until there is no more want....."
Geeze, I guess the GB aren't testing Jehovah out enough......LOL!! Hope they go belly up!!
Edited by - Mary on 9 December 2002 17:24:49
Thanks Metatron for another great post. I appreciate the facts you offer up as I have no other source of information than this board.
As to the motives, well the deal in Mexico where they pretended not to be a religion for money purposes says it pretty well. I believe at the higher levels it is all about money and power no matter what they tell themselves.
I will just be glad when they have outsourced themselves out of existance. For the average old publisher Brooklyn was more than just a printing factory and a headquarters bldg. The Farm growing the food was more about brothers producing healthy food for other brothers than a cost saver. As they make more and more fiscally responsible business decisions it will become more and more obvious that they are just that, a business. As the lawyers have more and more input into statements of belief and baptizmal vows and as they shrink they close ranks, I hope the little cult pops into nothingness.
I will cheer when the Watchtower sign is replaced by Budweiser or Fly Southwestern, when the last sworn to poverty Watchtower Slave is freed against his own will, when the last old liar who claimed to be a Great Tree of Righteousness is chopped down by aqe and rots with the rest of the debris. I hope the old geezers who are left are able to look around and fully appreciate just how wrong they were, and just what they gave up. They could have had a life after all, instead of destroying other's lives. Still, they are getting off light. They are down-sizing and dying of old age, they deserved a tongue rotting plague.Grunt