Welcome, I am sorry you are having a rough time right now. I think your husband is handling it reasonably well, it is a big change and not what he expected, but many have lived with this situation and made it work. You can too if that is what you want.
Is he willing to discuss your concerns? I know it's probably a touchy subject, but it might help if you both can discuss things in a neutral way. Say that you don't expect him to believe you, but you just want him to understand what your concerns are.
A few possibilities for discussion:
If what the Watchtower teaches is the truth it should stand up scrutiny, so why are they afraid to even consider other points of view
You are expected to go door to door to preach, what if these issues were raised by a householder?
Shouldn't he be able to know truth from lies? The Watchtower expects people in other religions to question their own faith, why are Jehovah's Witnesses not allowed to do the same?
The bible even says that we should keep testing as to whether these things are so, so why doesn't the Watchtower allow it?
The Watchtower makes people afraid to question things, and with good reason, they know a little research will prove they are lying, that's why they teach people to fear apostates, fear questioning things, fear getting disfellowshipped. If they had answers for these issues they could teach people how to refute these so called "apostate lies", yet they don't? Why not? Maybe because they can't?
It's great that you are going back to school, that is a good way to move on in your life. Congratulations on getting out of the organization while still young enough to do that.