To a great friend Xenawarrior.......hugs

by LyinEyes 82 Replies latest jw friends

  • TheStar

    (((((((((((((((XW)))))))))))) I wish I could make this all go away for you. Hang tough!

  • DakotaRed

    Whatever happened, happened. For Skeptic to play it out vengefully in public makes him look like a jilted fool, in my eyes. XW, your presence is missed and I hope you come back soon. True friends, even those of us who don't really know you, miss you.

    I too had an online crush go south, but you don't see either of us attacking and belittling the other. I wish her nothing but the best and happiness. Recently, I found a new, kind and sweet interest that has stolen my heart.

    It's life and he needs to move on, for his own sake. But, don't stay away because of it, XW. You have our love and support and Skeptic can too, once he grows up.

    Lew W

  • LyinEyes

    Thanks so much all of you guys for understanding what my point of this topic is. Randomand Shari, that is exactly what I meant by this thread.

    Kingpawn, if memory serves me right, I would have to go back and look at something posted on another thread but , talking about very, very personal cyber sexual encounters about someone is in terrible bad taste. I mean it was pretty detailed and none of anyone's business. If it were me that someone said those things about, true or not, I would be very upset. Like I said I don't know what was said in private , but they should have stayed private,,,,,, as far as graphic sexual details.

    I would hate for my friend who has helped me so much to shy away from this board because of what has been said about her. There are just so many here who care for you Xenaw, and I hope you see this. I will try and call you , when we get Denny's cell phone back, yeahhhhh we found the dang thang.

  • ring

    (((((( XW ))))))

    you are a sweetheart

  • Skeptic

    I am glad you all are showing such support to a friend. I am also certain that your support brings a smile to Xenawarrior's face....for at least two reasons.


  • Valis

    Skeptic, you seem to have a good number of failed attempts for Internet based relationships and you should know you aren't the only one. You may however be one of the only ones who like to spill their private life all over for everyone to see. Not very cool. I've had an online relationship not work out, but the last thing I would ever do is reveal the reasons why and potentially embarrass someone here. Perhaps you didn't get played at all, but expected too much or made assumptions that turned out to be not so correct. Bought your ticket, took your ride. Now its over...get on with it, besides, there are plenty of other rides in the amusement park of life. Maybe next time try finding one you can touch and feel and see before jumping in and ending in a pile that's hard to climb out of. It shouldn't be anyone's purpose to intentionally run someone off the board by posting embarassing or potentially damaging info. What happens outside the confines of the board is no one's business.

    Edited to add that the above message goes out to anyone who was involved in divulging the private affairs of users on the board as well. Its tasteless and makes you just as culpable as Skeptic in regards stirring up shit between users.


    District Overbeer

    Edited by - Valis on 9 December 2002 16:25:44

  • scootergirl
    Bought your ticket, took your ride. Now its over...get on with it, besides, there are plenty of other rides in the amusement park of life

    LOL, travis! Good analogy!

  • Scarlet

    We love you XW you are a great friend. ((((((((((((((((((((XW))))))))))))))))))))))

  • MrMoe

    ((((((XW)))))) Ur one cool chick in my book!

  • LB

    Hey XW. A class act keeps their mouth shut and you've done exactly that. You've allowed the accuser to run their mouth off. Even if every single thing that was said is true who cares? He came off looking the turd. You've still got all your friends.

    Yeah I'd want to tell everyone how horrible a person is after admitting I was waxing my carrot in front of the computer. Yep, I'd win my point that way.

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