JW kids & Dec. stress

by wheelwithinwheel 14 Replies latest jw friends

  • Xena

    I am glad I got out before my daughter started school, cause I do remember how much it sucked not being able to celebrate. It is so hard enough being a kid to begin with, but to be a kid who is so different....well no wonder we all have "issues" huh?

    But I have to admit...my daughter was old enough before we left to point to Santa and call him pagan...in the middle of the mall...fortunately she has gotten WAY over that

  • Angharad

    I remember being in school at christmas I hated every minute.

    <---------------(proud mum )

    Just this morning Simon and I went to the school to watch Liam in his christmas concert - he has been so excited about it for weeks and it meant so much to him. I cant imagine what it would have been like if he couldnt have joined in. The concert was Merry Christmas from around the world, Liams class did Australia, Liam was a dancing christmas koala bear! It was great you could tell all the kids loved every minute of it. And then Liam played the triangle during the carols.

    There is another JW child in Liam's class now, I feel so bad for him and all the kids that missed out on this, as a 5 you dont really understand why you cant join in

    Edited by - angharad on 10 December 2002 12:8:30

  • JT

    O YES i hated it that sick feeling you got in your stomach nothing can explain it unless you were there with 32 othere students as they laughed and jeered you

    while i don't celebrate it now- it is so nice to be able to enjoy this time of the year without the stress

    I truly feel sorry for the 10's of 1000's of jw kids during this month-

  • Xander


    I always hated that the most. Our school had quite a class distinction in it.

    Somebody asks you what you got for christmas, what do you say?


    Then, it's all under their breaths..."ooooh, better not talk to him, he must be from a poor family. Don't want to get 'poor' germs..."

    Of course, you see that look and immediately explain...

    "No, no, it's because we don't CELEBRATE christmas!"

    {even MORE shocked expression - 'My GOD, they can't even afford a tree!!!' *eeek*)

    "No, no, it's RELIGIOUS reasons!"

    {AAAHHH!!! A JEW!!!! - "Well, ummm, what did you get for, uhhh...hannukah then?"}

    "Oh, we don't celebrate that, either"

    {RUN AWAY!!!}

    et al.

    I frequently made a point to be 'sick' the last few days after christmas break ended for much of my elementary/middle school life.

  • Prisca

    Ah yes, the memories....

    Fortunately when I was in kindergarten my Mum took my out of school for the last week before Christmas, because all the class would be doing was Christmas stuff, and to make it easier for me too (even though I'd already had spent that year saying "No" to birthday parties, easter celebrations etc.)

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