some comforting thoughts

by nelly1 10 Replies latest jw friends

  • nelly1

    I was thinking about Jesus and how the bible says he is the exact representation of Jehovahs very being, and u know what it is nothing like these awful so called christians, and i was thinking Jesus himself had to abandon his own religion because its leaders were gross hypocrites and treating his sheep like dirt, so he left it and condemned it and he to as a result was severly shunned and u could say Dissed in a form because they denounced him as having anything to do with Jehovah if u remember, and he was persecuted also by these leaders just like the ones who leave the organisation today they too are persecuted by the so called true religion so it is coming further and more clear to me as days go by if we look further below the surface we see that he the only begotton son king of gods kingdom went through exactly what we are going through he was abused called a liar they said he was a seditionist the list goes on and he too had an illegal trial ( could be called a judicial) by the religious leaders of his day and his sentance was death, and we KNOW THAT THE JEWS WERE HIS CHOSEN PEOPLE WE DONT KNOW THAT THE WTBS IS.!!!! that i think about all this stuff it is such a comfort to me, as so many are experiencing illegal trials at the hands of the elders(pharissees) and i know this because i was one of them i had a illegal trial where lies were told just like poor Jesus, so he of all people knows only too well what these dear brothers and sisters have suffered, and i beleive with all my heart that he will pay back to those ones they have NO FUTURE, and one day we will have the happiness we deserve at his hand and anyone else who deserves to including all of you every last one whos heart is right and loves jesus and the creator, i know he will not forget any of us and what we have suffered, jesus was for the underdog not the high and mighty proud know it alls, so take heart and hang in there...

    lots of love nelly

  • hamptonite21

    I like that......cute

  • Utopian_Raindrops

    ok....blowing nose in hanky...I think it's your job today nelly to make me cry

    But so far gurlfriend it's all been good since I am in a drinking mood

    This bud is for your gurl

    You know we all know your words are true but, sometimes we just don't think about it and need a little reminder!

    Ty nelly

  • ozziepost

    So many thoughts in one sentence!

  • Brummie
    So many thoughts in one sentence!


    nelly you rock, great post. enjoyed every bit of it.

    Brummie (wishing he could be more like nelly)

  • Vee

    Thank-you for sharing this wonderful line of reasoning...and I also agree that punctuation is overrated!!!!!...when you've got something great to share it's just best to get it all out


  • nelly1

    i know i know im terrible for that, when im writing and have lots to say, i tend to run off at a tangent, but that all came to me in a revelation while lying in my bed where i do my best thinking, awwww thank you brummie that made my day.

    I just wanted to bring some comfort to you all, i had never thought that either about jesus before and then it just hit me, and you know what else???? Jehovah never dissaproved of how Jesus handled it he let them (PHAIRISEES) have it and called them offspring of vipers, which is a nice way of saying you pack of *&^%$$ a** holes LOLOLOL from what i can understand calling someone the offspring of a viper was a pretty nasty insult in those days, so u know we need not be so hard on ourselves because if our creator allowed his beloved son to condemn his so called chosen race and religion which was set up by jehovah himself given to moses, then we for sure can condemn any that claims to bear his name and does such dispicable acts of wickedness, HOLD UP YOUR HEADS YOU GUYS AND REMEMBER TO SAY "I ( INSERT NAME) LIKE AND BELEIVE IN MYSELF AND I AM IN CONTROL" now go say that to yourself in the mirror, and do it as many times as you can it builds you up and replaces the self esteem and feelings of empowerment that they took from you. LOVE AND HUGGGSS TO ALL OF YOU


  • nelly1

    ps utpopian my dear friend yes get me a bucket and a straw with maybe some jack daniels in it that oughta do it LOL love you utopian xxxxxxxxxoooooooo

  • Brummie
    yes get me a bucket and a straw with maybe some jack daniels in it that oughta do it

    Hmmm, maybe I AM more like nelly than I first thought!

    Brummie (wishful thinking)

  • Prisca

    Brummie, are you trying to tell us you're a woman???

    LOL @ Ozzie

    Nelly, thanks for sharing your thoughts. You know, one of the WTS books that helped me realise just how far removed the WTS is from real Christianity was the Greatest Man book. I remember when we were studying it for the 3rd time and I took the study of Jesus really seriously, and as we were going through the book, I got the uneasy feeling that something was wrong. As the book condemned the Pharisees of Jesus' day, I could see how similar the WTS was to the Pharisees. How they ruled over the flock with harsh man-made rules that went beyond the principle of love of Jesus' words. It helped me on my journey away from the Watchtower, and towards real freedom.

    So the WTS did something right for once, LOL!

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