BTW, for those not in the know, the PROPER way to handle this whole 'like-a-blockade-but-not-really-we-just-like-bullying-people-around' thing is:
Step 1) Declare war on another country for harboring terrorists, terrorist activities, whatever. Congress must vote this through
Step 2) Promptly blockade each of their ports (a 'naval blockade,' by international law, has very specific details that must be observed and can only be done between countries at war),
Step 3) THEN you are free to seize their ships, inspect whoever or whatever you like, etc. as long as you can support the blockade.
What the US continues to do now is just irritating. It would be perfectly acceptable in a state of war. CONGRESS HAS DECLARED NO WAR!! This is troubling as it is - akin to police searching your house without a warrant.