Sorry, but I can't let it go-----------I'll say my piece and then shut up. Whether it's blood, as I first surmised, or a cigarette, makes little difference. As a cat fancier, I know a little about the behavior of cats. Even professional animal trainers---------those working in TV and movies---------- will tell you that they can train or coax almost any animal or reptile to do almost anything. EXCEPT the ordinary house cat. They just won't do anything that they don't want to do. So here we have a cat lying by the side of the road cuddled up to some beer bottles and smoking a cigarette. The odds that anyone could get a live cat to do that are astronomical. It's a dead cat. Now if anyone gets a warm and fuzzy feeling out of looking at a dead cat, more power to ya. But I think it's offensive.
OK, I've said my piece. I'll lay off it.
Edited by - david_10 on 11 December 2002 9:9:5