You could sum up the reasons for this as: RHIP (Rank Has Its Privleges). In any large organization there is a lot that the head folks can get away with that would be "hangin" offenses for those less lofty. So much for "let's all be together on these things, brothers", eh? I never was a Bethelite, but some who were/are have told me that the Bethel Family sometimes becomes aware of these "power struggles", (e.g.: There was quite a discussion around whether or not to release the Society's publications on CD years back).
I found the whole description of the section you're commenting on just you have the magazines saying the Governing Body is running everything, but behind the scenes the EXACT OPPOSITE is true. How far removed from the real world they were/are.
A parallel situation (of not speaking with one voice) is described in the COC book involving Albert Schroeder who was putting forth an "independent" explanation of a particular scripture while in Europe. According to COC, the Governing Body took this up with him, and basically just agreed not to teach this "new" idea he had come up with, without sanctioning him in any way.
For a lowly local elder to say anything even remotely close to either of these two situations (the one you mention and the one above) would usually have the entire body of elders down on him in a New York minute, with severe sanctions, unless he could convince them that he innocently mispoke, was having a brain seizure, etc. etc. at the time :)) At first blush, this intense feeling of "we've all got to be saying the same thing" sounds great, "we're all unified", etc. etc. the awful truth is that such stymies fresh thinking, it blocks reasonableness (in favor of rigid organizational rules), and sadly enough of all, stands in the way of common sense.
I'm now re-reading COC, and I'm getting a lot more out of this time than I did while I was "freshly" out of the dubs.
Hope you continue reading and finish the book, then read Ray Franz's next: "In Search of Christian Freedom"
Best wishes,