Regional Convention in Scotland

by The Searcher 33 Replies latest jw friends

  • notsurewheretogo
    There really were some awful parts today and it was still too damn hot.
    That part where the young brother was encouraging his friend was just cringe-worthy.
    Did you also notice that sister giving her exprience who was a part-time radiologist at the hospital? Apparently all her "worldly" co-workers are shagging each other. WTF?

    That experience was ridiculous...

  • Vidiot

    notsurewheretogo - "Apparently all her 'worldly' co-workers are shagging each other."

    Maybe she's confusing her work experience with episodes of E.R., House, and General Hospital?

  • 88JM

    Whoa whoa - did anyone else here this Sunday afternoon notice that they totally didn't have the financial statement read out? Has anyone noticed that at their convention?

    8,500+ in attendance with 39 baptised by the way.

  • notsurewheretogo
    And most of that 39 were born-ins and very young, a lot of people noticed that...that was the worst day and much nonsense and I can see they are using videos more to convince the dubs even more.
  • JWdaughter
    The increased use of videos bodes ill for assemblies. No more wild cards, every word scripted and approved. Can probably go to internet and sign up as webinars or something so they can chart your attendance.
  • millie210
    Becoming more Mormon like all the time!
  • OneFingerSalute

    Did you also notice that sister giving her exprience who was a part-time radiologist at the hospital? Apparently all her "worldly" co-workers are shagging each other. WTF?

    You've got to be kidding! That was the EXACT SAME experience given at the con-vention I was at in the central United States!

  • Zoos
    also there was an experience of a sister with a foot issue who said she prayed to Jehoover that she had "had enough"...then all the medical issues she had went away...

    I'll bet that really pissed off the apostle Paul who had to settle for God's undeserved kindness.

  • Prefect

    At the end of the videos, Loud applause.

    WHY would you applaud a TV screen

  • leaving_quietly
    @Prefect, exactly my thought when I saw each video. I didn't applause at all when I attended.

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