What to say to the elders

by freedom96 32 Replies latest jw friends

  • Sentinel


    Elders are only "doing their job". The only power they have over us is the power we allow them to have. Consider them as human beings on your level, and treat them as such. Do not look "up" to them on that pedestal which they have placed themselves. Speak to them in love, but be firm in whatever you say, the "look" you give, or the way you "present yourself".. Body language says allot, and they pick up on any opening to get in there and dig your heart out.

    But, they are really just like the rest of us, only someone gave them some power and they go to town on it. I feel so sorry for them but, I will not take any abuse from them...never have, and never intend to, ever again...

  • teejay

    After leaving me alone for years, it seems I'm about to get a visit from the loving brothers.

    Yesterday (Sunday) morning before she left for the meeting, my JW wife asked if I'd mind if a couple of elders dropped by to give us a "shepherding call." Oh-o... here we go...

    Do I personally believe that the Watchtower Society is god's ... um, I mean Jehovah's spirit-directed channel? Hell yeah!! You betcha.

  • detective

    I'll definitely be looking for the whole story after the "sheperdin'" gets underway, Teejay! Now, that oughta be good...

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