Brain Washing? Mind Control?

by Sirona 20 Replies latest jw friends

  • Sirona

    Do the Jehovahs Witnesses use brain washing or mind control techniques?

    If a good dub attends 5 hours of meetings a week, does 2 hours of service a week and does 1 hour of personal study a week, this adds up to 416 hours a year of time thinking and being "taught" about Jehovahs Witness beliefs. 416 hours adds up to about 11 working weeks a year!

    I personally think that my thought processes were interfered with when I was JW. I sometimes wonder whether it was simply the lack of time or the pressure I was under. I just didn't THINK about things. No critical analysis of what someone was telling me for a starter.

    There is a good argument against the Brainwashing theory here

    I'm just not sure about the whole thing. Am I making myself feel better by saying "it wasn't my fault - I was brainwashed!!" or was I really brainwashed?

    What do you think? Do you think YOU were brainwashed as a JW?

    How did the JWs brainwash us?


  • Witch Child
    Witch Child

    yup, I sure was brainwashed. We all were, it's just that they got us to do it to ourselves through all the studying, meeting attendance, service and "good association." My questions were answered in a way that got my brain stuck in logic loops. I was chasing my tail for years, unable to make it all make sense. I stopped reading their "literature" stopped going to meetings and out in service. I needed to clear my head so I could think. I didn't replace all that reading or meeting time I just let my head clear and then started trying to see if the JW crap made any sense. It didn't... so I left.

    So glad to be free!


  • Kingpawn

    The two who got me in (and are still in it themselves, from what I've been told) admitted it's easier with someone like me who was a "blank slate" doctrinally and had no real knowledge of Scripture.

    To read the stories in their literature, you'd think a devotee of Cristendom had been won over to the Witness POV by such overwhelming logic that it was impossible to deny the "truths."

    A while back someone noted that if they come at you at certain times--when you've recently left home or are at a low spot in your life, for example--success is more likely.

    Maybe instead of "brainwashing" substitute "programming?" Notice how the JW apologists that appear here all sound like clones. Same thing, no matter what word you use.

  • Sirona

    Witch: I think at the time I thought things were pretty clear. It was only when I started looking at things differently that I began to wonder what was going on in my head. I agree that some time to clear your head of all the JW junk is necessary.

    Kingpawn: I've heard that too about being a blank slate. They don't want any nasty counter-arguments during a study, do they? I really think that they are "programmed" because any of us could almost predict what a JW response would be to any question. No individuality or independence allowed.


  • NameWithheld

    Whatever you want to call it, we can debate semantics all day long, the long and short of it is that endless pounding of repetitious 'facts' color your mind into believing them. So I would say yes they 'brainwash' you. They do it by repeating over and over again the basics 'we are the truth' 'we are the FDS' 'obey the FDS/elders/etc' 'do more FS, meetings, more more more'.

    The end result is that the average JW does not even have ability to consider the above 'facts' to not be true without their brain automatically shunting into panic mode. Like tripping a circut breaker.

  • DakotaRed

    NameWithheld, it is not only the "endless pounding of repetitious 'facts'," but the encouragement and sometimes, absolute denial of your pivilege to seek other viewpoints as well. When only one viewpoint is allowed and others denied or disouraged, or even discredited as satanistic or ugodly, that one view constitutes brainwashing and manipulating of the mind, to me.

    It's like declaring the Bible true because the Bible says so. The Watchtower is true because the Watchtower says so and don't you dare listen to or read anything that may say otherwise. If that isn't blatant brainwashing, I don't know what is.

    Lew W

  • jazbug

    By definition, JW's are not really brainwashed, altho we may feel we were. But we were mind-controlled. Steve Hassan's book, "Combatting Cult Mind Control" explains the difference. This is a fantastic book for recognizing cults for those who haven't read it.

    My mind must have really been controlled because I studied at least an hour for EVERY meeting plus read every magazine, book, etc., went in service 2-3 times a week when I wasn't pioneering, etc. No wonder people ask me if I have been living in a cave for the past 30 yrs. I didn't have time to read any outside material even if I had wanted to which of course I didn't, because everything else was worldy, apostate, or demonized.

    So now I am working on how to be normal, whatever that is.

  • NameWithheld

    Very true Dakota! I am now very gun-shy of anything or anyone that presumes to be the one and only answer to something. If there's one thing I learned is that there is always more then one way to reach a goal, perform a task, or get information.

  • freedom96

    When you compare what a classic cult requires, with what is required as a witness, it is scary. While I don't know if the WTS purposely sets out to "mind control" everyone, it is evident by their teachings and requirements to stay a witness in good standing.

  • happyout

    If you've all read the book 1984, you understand the way those people were required to think whatever they were told to think, even though they KNEW it to be untrue. Same with the dubs, when they receive "new light" they must immediately "forget" whatever the previous teaching was and twist your mind to accomodate the new teaching. Of course, when other religions change their teachings, that is proof that they are not being guided by God. Brainwashing? Maybe. Mind control? Definitely. Cult? Depends on your definition. What is not in doubt, however, is that in order to remain a member in good standing, you are required to abstain from any outside reading or studying, and you must accept WITHOUT QUESTION any and all teachings coming from the WTS. Scary no matter what you call it.

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