- I grew up when people had to be threatened to stop littering and smoking.
- We were forced to buckle up under protest.
- I saw aids discovery a+d lost a friend to it in 1991. Before good treatments.
- Now gay marriage is legal.
- Abortion was illegal when I was born. Activists on both sides are still struggling with that one.
- I was born when breastfeeding was tacky and when I could not nurse my second child, I was castigated by strangers for bottle feeding her.
None of those things came about without growing pains. As former JWss, none of us went from all in to OUT instantly. Whether others recognized it or not, a process happened that changed us.
Finally, the truth is that the WT changes constantly whether they like it or not. They have to. Tax laws have changed them-they can try to tell the story that suits them, but they had to change and they did.
- Blood.
- Selling literature
- meeting frequency
- Field service hours required
- Limit on studies(length of being one.)
- Transplants
- Vaccinations
- 1975
- Beth Sarim
I don't care how the parse the changes, I just look forward to it.