Cardinal Law

by comforter 17 Replies latest jw friends

  • mouthy

    Comforter....The governing body shipped a homosexual to England -is that in the same "cover up" tactics as the catholic Church? I have nothing against Homosexuals but the GB does, It seems that

    they prefer keeping the pedophiles close to them......they say they didn't know the pedophiles -but they evidently could tell a homo.

    You keep standing up for the Watch Tower. Do you count your time on here? It is useless.!!

    We ( or most of us ) have done our home work- we know all the lies -the Wt has taught ....Why dont you examine the history of the Organization ..."The way you are judging is the way you will be judged. " Lets leave the Law , to God & let "the COMFORTER" open up the mind of comforter

    (small c.)

  • Mary

    Comforter, perhaps you should go see the Wizard about getting a brain.......your statements are utterly stupid, hypocritical and lacking in reason.

    The Governing Body members are WORSE than the Catholic Church, because at least the Catholic Church has made a half-assed attempt to straighten things out in their church; Cardinal Law has resigned and APOLOGIZIED, something no Witness who's been charged with child molestation has ever done. Even though Law's apology is most likely superficial, at least he did SOMETHING. Plus, at least the Catholic Church publically admits they have a problem; the Governing Body, arrogant and defiant to the end, insists that there's NO problem within the Borg and will disfellowship anyone who dares to go to the police, make a report, or go public with the facts.

    The Governing Body members are the lowest, most disgusting, hypocritical men called "Christian" I've ever come across. Don't point the finger at another Organization, when these men are doing the same frigging thing.

  • comforter


    cnn and fox news report that priests traded cocaine for sex with kids. you mean you aint heard about it.

    the witnesses have an agressive policy against child pedos. rodney stark has done research on this. the governing body and no elders move pedophiles from area on another congrgeation.


  • comforter


    you jest disgusting and undersexed, the nameless one says.

  • Darkhorse

    Comforter, the only "aggressive" policy I see with the JW's (sounds like you probably are one) is aggressively pursuing all the victims who dare to come forward for help, aggressively making sure that everbody else in the congregation shuns the victims and aggressively df'ing them.

  • hawkaw

    hmmm ....

    the witnesses have an agressive policy against child pedos

    That is an outright lie. There are tons of evidence both in court and in the lamestreet press and on this board that show you are completely wrong.

    And if you have such a great policy, why are you not condeming Fitzwater and asking him to be disfellowshipped??? Oh ... yeah .. I forgot, there weren't enough witnesses for your untrained janitors. Even though a court of law convicted him on the tougher reasonable doubt test but that doesn't count in your ends justifies the means cult.

    Your inaccurate statements (or lack of statements) clearly show one thing - the image of the Borg is more important than protecting the victims or the advocates.


  • JT


    the witnesses are nothing like catholic molestors. governing body have not moved elders from congreation to congregation or turned a blind eye as elders trade coke for kids


    i have to agree with comforter on this point, the GB have not moved "Elders",

    but they have done the same thing that the catholic church has done, and that is be --FULLY AWARE- that there are person who have molested children and have not turned them over to the police.

    within the files of local congregations and at bethel are records that show persons who are molesters and the police has never been informed

    so while true they have never "Moved Elder" their knowledge of wrongdoing can not be denied-

    due to their policies they have created an enviroment that makes it possible for others to be molested-

    thier current policy is for a known child molester to go out in service and have to work with an ADULT who doesn't even know that they are a child molester- the wt has stated publicly that the elders are to KEEP AND EYE ON HIM, now you have 4 elders in the congo

    3 work at Piggley Wiggle stocking shelves at night so they can pioneer in the day and one works in his little flunky janitor service at night cleaning banks-

    now could you tell me who is KEEPING AN EYE ON HIM when he goes to the local Arcave at the Mall-

    since the wt teaches that the catholics are not the truth- then they have their excuse for being so lax in how they care for the sheep, but on the other hand wt claims to be the only channel on earth so what is thier excuse for not taking care of the sheep

    the wt thru it's indoctrination process of NOT TAKING YOUR BRO TO COURT has created an enviroment where the avg jw and avg body of elders firmly believe that matters should be handled IN HOUSE- even cases of child rape and that is a fact-

    tons of folks are told about the backlash on the name of the congo if they go to court, if you are truly a jw you should know that, even if you want to deny it here

    you see --you like so many other jw continue to forget that you are not talking to NONJW- you are talking to many here who not only enforced wt policy but there have been those on the net who help create many of their policies

    If there was ever a Society man it was I, when i left bethel as a MS with the help of JR Brown and RP Johnson I had put together a Sheparding handbook that rivial even the avg CO in the field

    they had helped me index almost every subject matter one would meet on a sheparding call, - these men had about 25 black bro who they were schooling to learn organizational procedures

    as RP Johnson would say, Learn org procedures like the back of your hand-

    so please don't step to me man- i can run circles around your head on WHAT THE SLAVE SAYS IN PRINT-

    that is why you need to inform yourself on what the real deal is

    my old room works the Service Desk at patterson he is now a bethel heavy- and he fully is aware that the wt teaches alot of made up stuff, but as he says _ we are helping to keep the friends lives clean, -

    so it matters not if they mix in some bogus stuff right beside DON'T KILL THE GUY NEXT DOOR into their dogmas

    the wt doggs others when they mix truth and false, yet he knows along wiht so many other guys in the Writing Dept and Service dept that all of the dogmas are not wrapped to tight

    but hey there are folks like you who will buy it as long as they sell it-

    i find it so sad that the very organization that proclaims to be the only mouth pc on earth to god, want to COMPARE IT'S SINS TO THOSE WHO ARE SUPPOSE TO BE FOLLOWING SATAN

    it amounts to saying OUR SINS AIN'T AS BAD AS THEIRS,

    i CAN JUST see the jews comparing themselves to the cannites

    but i fully understand the postion you are in , more than likely you are male 30-50 no real responisblity in your Hall maybe the mikes every now and then a pray here or there at the bookstudy when the assistance don't show up

    but for the most part you are probably viewed as a Spiritual Flunky by folks in your hall,

    the elders and CO have no desire to use you beyond parking attendant or cutting the grass at the hall-

    so coming here gives you a sense of purpose of belonging , being able to sstand up for gods visible organization- when in fact if the PO caught you here you would be shafted, but then again some elders would just say

    what did you expect from Comforter he has always been kinda weak-

    but hey I'm glad you are here , for at least it tells me personally that you don't accept what the FDS tells you despite the fact you say you do , for action speaks louder than words

  • happy man
    happy man

    >I must say when reading your posts i have some qestions, who come that a man like you, working on Bhetel , end upp in this apostate life, I dont think I read this , so if you want to tell why and how, i am listen to what you going to tell, as you now i am ongoing JW, former elder, who feel a lot fore the peopel on this site, even fore you my friend.

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