This morning I phoned my sister so as to know how the things are going with her problem with the congregation. If I remember well, five weeks ago, my sister was asked by the elders (in the street) to attend a judicial meeting for apostasy. My sister told them that she firstly needs a formal letter specifying who is accusing her. But one of the elders, in an uneducated manner, shouted her by saying that she has only one week to attend the judicial meeting for apostasy. After that week, a spy in the congregation phoned my sister and told her that she could hear that one of the elders was talking to other one by cellphone, and this one said that in the next meeting my sister would be disfellowshipped. However, my sister sent to the elders a notification, through a notary, in which she asked the elders to write a formal invitation to do the judicial meeting for apostasy, because she will be present with her lawyer. A copy of this letter was sent to the three elders. After that, my sister phoned one of the elders to ask him when this meeting would be. The elder told her that they will call her. However, until now, nothing happened. It seems that they have stopped the proceeding.
Are they afraid for holding a meeting with a lawyer??