I sent this info to Mr. Stewart's email and another address that I was given. I haven't gotten a reply, so I can only assume that either it isn't of value or they're already getting more email than they can read.
WRT Max's comment, this is kinda what I sent, but less funny and less wordy:
In the first case, although this is in the section about freedom to remarry, the use of circumstantial evidence (not eyewitnesses to actual fornication) can be used to disfellowship. And I believe that more recently there was a letter sent out explaining hypothetical circumstances where a brother missed his train and spent the night at a sister's apartment, or something like that. The BoE would just take their word that they didn't have sex. In this case there were at least two witnesses to them spending all night together in a possible "immoral sleeping arrangement", which was previously established as sufficient circumstantial evidence that fornicating had occurred. So now they have to introduce exceptions to the "circumstantial evidence of two witnesses" exception to the two eyewitness to sinning rule.
In the second case, the situation is stated as an exception to the 2 witness rule. And this exception states that a JC would not be formed, where a JC usually would be formed for adulterous remarriage. So, they've said they can't make an exception to the two witness rule in order to protect children from sexual abuse, but they can make an exception to that rule so that a brother or sister can be scripturally free to remarry, ASAP, before the unbelieving mate takes the time to meet someone and remarry?
"Sorry kids, the bible won't less us protect you, but we choose to make an exception so Elder Horndog can marry a young pioneer sister in the Kingdumb Haul after he divorces his 'apostate' wife* because she confessed to him that she had fornicated but she refuses to admit that to anyone else."
*The 'apostate' wife was disfellowshipped in the usual secret backroom proceedings. She was judged an apostate and disfellowshipped because she dared to disagree with WT policy and she verbalized the truth that JWs were not protecting children from pedophiles. Since she was shunned, no JW would listen to her warnings to protect children. Instead, the rumor was spread around the congregation that she had a drinking problem and had fornicated with many worldly men.