Still have a older "annointed" brother that I very seldom run across but when I do he speaks to me at length about anything other than jw stuff- and his daughter-in-law recently bought some things from me- no problem with her doing biz with an apostate. Other than that only my mom whom I speak with just about every day---
Do all witnesses shun you?
by JH 20 Replies latest jw friends
hi Estee_TX.
I was so sorry to hear about you situation.
im lucky and my family will never desert me, but you are in my thoughts, and if i ever pray ahgain, those too.
I had a close friend who continued being my friend after I walked away. For her sake I didn't answer her last email to me. I feel that it is better that way.
There was an ancient woman of the anointed class that I used to go out in service regularly when I lived in TN. She knew the name of every single plant we saw. I got df'd and one time when I was leaving the hall, she looked at me with those great big eyes (her eyeglasses magnified her eyes so they took up half her face, or seemed to) and gave me a sweet smile.
I just found a website and if I ever find religion again, I will join up. The website is Looks like they wouldn't shun you, no matter what you did.
Hey, Estee!!!!!! Nice to see you posting.
Yes, it's rough when your kids act like you don't exist. My heart goes out to you.
Dottie -
Not all shun me but, they can never have a full friendship with me as things are.
It can be very hard on people who love you and know all the facts(or most of the facts) about your situation.
Some thought my disfellowshipping unfair and unloving. They want to help and be there for me and my kids and are held back. Other's who might not know everything can't believe I am dissed and we can't take in a show etc.
I had a sis go to the movies with me and another sis go to a concert.....but we did these things OUT OF TOWN.
I have never stopped believeing In Jehovah and Jesus and they know this and actually up till recently I believed "The Truth" was in fact...well....."The Truth".So the fact that I was repentant and not an apostate did not help matters for anyone knowing me.
This has caused alot of dispair and a friend of mine who is in dire-straights and feeling all alone without me tried to commit suicide recently......her baptised teen came to tell me and spent some time with me going over what we can do to help. One thing being my reinstatment if at all possible so I can openly do the best I can by my friends. I will have to think of what kind of letter that will be and how I can be in with my eyes open. Any sugestions?
Anyway...of course there are some who can not shun is not correct behavior to treat a live person sub-human. It must bother many JW's conscience because I know it always bothered mine while I was in.
If you read in Job...Jehovah allowed Satan The Devil to enter Heaven and take his station and speak even!! Only untill he was cast out of the plane called Heaven did he no longer have contact....No Disfellowshipped Person has been removed from the earth thus far and so should be aloud free speach as Jehovah did for/does fro Satan......I say does because our Lord and Savior Christ Jesus spoke with Satan after fasting....and we know angels have battled this requires contact and posible comunication.
No way has any Human thus far that I have met done anything as bad and as vile as the Fallen Morningstar known as Satan The Devil.
Ummmmm...think maybe I said a little too much
Oh, 2 refund as always
bye bye 4 now
No Witness associates with me because I do not consider them good association and they are not welcome in my home. I do not snub them if I meet them in public unless I have had a bad experience with that person, then I snub them. I could care less if they snub or shun me. This is MY game and I make the rules.
These people as a group have harmed me and people important to me and have not asked for forgiveness, nor have they quit their harmful behaviors. They continue to support the business corporation that sponsors the abuse. They support the group, and by association, they align with the rules that divide families, cause premature deaths, and punishes the victims of abuse while harboring the abusers.
I refuse to lower myself to that level anymore and I refuse to expose my family to any more divisive elements.
I shun them. I do not love them. I do not like them. I do not want them back in my life.
They can't hurt me. I am bullet proof:-)
Happy day everybody,
gdbThe Way I See it
I DA myself about 11 yrs ago now,and I have some people still saying hello to me.I'm not sure if they still go themselves,I just don't ask them.
Well,my sister in law and my first daughters father are JW's and still talk to me.My daughters father does not go out of his way to have a friendly conversation with me, we just have parental ties beween us.My sister in law,still has visits and we go out once inawhile.For the rest of them,they look at me and turn their heads as fast as they can.Not my loss.
No. Years ago when I first went inactive, I was shunned by an individual who is very friendly to me now when she sees me. This person married into my family in a sense, so I do see her from time to time, although she lives on the other end of the US.
I was shunned about 3 years ago at my grandmother's funeral by an individual who subsequently became warm and friendly. After this particular episode, I said to my non-JW niece in front of my JW mom that that person's heart must be so full of Jesus that she went mute. My sarcasm seems to have had a good result, although I don't feel proud of it.
My JW mother died on Dec. 7, so I traveled the 2,000+ miles to her funeral. The JW's were kind and supportive. My non-JW (never was a JW) sister-in-law said they were much more cordial to her as well. I did get a couple of those "we all have a decision to make if we ever want to see her again" speechlets. I'm glad I don't live near any JW's who ever knew me when I was inside.
Once when my daughter and I lived in Indiana, a nice JW sister knocked on our door. My daughter answered the door, listened to her little sermonette, and said, "Oh, I've already been a Jehovah's witness." Did this scare away the poor sister? No. In fact, she came back, seeming curious about why we had left. But we never had a discussion with her because we were on our way someplace and subsequently moved to another state.
When JW's knock on my door now, my roommate will answer and (a) pretend not to speak English or (b) tell them exactly what she thinks about people who protect pedophiles, even in her own church (Roman Catholic).
I don't think JW's are clear about what the WTS' policy is on inactive vs. DF'd vs. DA'd vs. "marked" and the zillions of other slots they have placed us in.
At present we haven't noticed any shunning, but then we haven't seen anyone from the congregation, for quite a few months, but of course, this could all change (awaiting the Jan, Feb or March elders visit)
As a recent ex JW, since coming on this board, I must say how disturbed and upset I am at the amount of shunning that has been going on. Obviously, being in the Organisation for many years, I was aware that this went on, and I got into many problems because I wouldn't accept the Organisation's direction on shunning. I could not equate it with Luke 15...the prodigal son parable.
I think this action, that seems to be organisation policy, is the most cruel, vicious, unchristian act , anyone or organisation can be involved in, and any christian looking on (here on this forum) ask yourself - do you really believe that Jesus would act like this and do you think that Jehovah is backing this action ?
But what a clever way of keeping the JWs from finding out the REAL TRUTH.
Edited by - kaytee on 14 December 2002 14:19:57
Hi Dottie!
Thanks for your words of encouragement. (I'm glad to see you remember me!) I enjoyed chatting on the phone. Hope things are well with you. (((HUGS)))
Love Sis,