Stocking Stuffers?

by Swan 17 Replies latest jw friends

  • RubyTuesday

    Ohhh yeah! The most important thing...we all need batteries.
  • COMF

    Nectar of the gods.

    Or... some like it hot, so... (the name says, "Iguana Radioactive Atomic Pepper Sauce")

  • Mac


    Just purchased a hot sauce called "Ass In Hell"...........the label was somewhat prophetic!!!!!!!!!

    Those tiny liquor samplers are pretty cool stuffers.


  • bikerchic

    .......tiny liquor samplers are pretty cool stuffers.

    LOL @ mac

    Just checking this thread out to get ideas, now you can keep 'em coming!

    Katie (who is desperately wondering what to put in ona's stocking)

  • Jade

    For the hubby - chocolate, movie tickets, xmas boxers, personal coupons redeemable by me.

    For the kids - candy, hacky-sack, gum, pens, cd's, disposable camera

    For the dog - chew toys, liver treats, gourmet dog biscuits


  • meadow77

    I agree with Dakota on the magazine subscription bit. These can actually be great gifts too. Think of something that (insert random name here) is really into. It shouldn't be hard to find a magazine geared toward their particular interests as there is a magazine on practicaly anything. They usually only cost between 15.00-30.00. And best of all, they will think of you every month for a whole year. As for just stocking stuffers, I always like some sort of snack that can be munched on all day, or socks, you can never go wrong with socks!!Oh and I'm with BC on the adult beverages. If you are given to an adult that partakes, some little travel size liquor that they could pour into their cider, or hot chocolate is always a crowd pleaser.

  • Windchaser

    Bikerchic, it is probably too late to send you one of my very fine dishcloths for ona's Christmas stocking, but they are also quite nice as wedding presents. For that, I will make two!

    I'm serious, so send me an address, k?



  • scootergirl

    Hey windchaser......I got married in 1999 and for some reason I didn't get your wedding present! hmmm........ (hint hint) LOL

    I should be ashamed to be so bold.......

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