I don't know how far back I was thinking about this, but it came to mind once again as I spoke to my father, who was addicted to marijuana for 27 years. It took everything away from him, including his family (myself, my sister, and my mother). He says a higher power must have helped him through these times and caused him to stop (4 years clean this December; wahoo!) But let me pose this question. Why on earth would God help my father of all people, who is almost as unreligious as they come, and not help the millions of starving and suffering severely each day to pray to him?
This may not be a striking thought to most, but is it so hard to believe God doesn't really help anybody at all? Why must everybody turn to God for the reason they were helped? I truly believe it is mind over matter. Is it that hard to believe that you thought you could do something so badly, and THOUGHT you had God's support, and then did it, without actually getting any help from God? People underestimate themselves too much. People think, I KNOW a higher power helped me through this and that. But if a higher power helped you through these trivial things, then why not the millions dying each day? Does God not hear these people? Is there no help for them?
Don't underestimate yourself. Your mind is a powerful thing, and you can do things by yourself believe it or not. God doesn't need to have a hand in things for you to accomplish a lot of goals. But it is nice to think so. It's much easier to place a label on the things we cannot explain or that seemed impossible as having a divine intervention.
"No cool quote yet. But I'll think of one soon."