Problemaddict2, FayeDunaway and whoever else is curious lol. Like most, there have been a number of things over the years that I didn't agree with. It was all I knew so I just pushed those doubts away and just went along with was easier. What really got the process started for me tho were my babies. I still don't know why, but after having my second baby I started having a gut feeling that I needed to find out more about the religion I had been born into. I guess because I didn't know anything but what my parents told me. I never really thought to research it before, I just assumed my parents were right and what the org was telling me was good enough. Anyway, having my babies made me think about life differently. I started to question my own beliefs, if I really believed it was the true religion. So because of how rigid the religion is, I thought if I was going to raise my kids in it and subject them to that way of living I had to be 100% sure I was right. So I started googling everything JW. I really thought I would be reassured that I was in the true religion!! But nope..the very first thing that caught my attention was the Jw and UN association. Of course I had to validate it as authentic through days of research. That was big enough shock to my mind to open my eyes. and so I continued to research and analyze. I still am. Everything else I began to uncover was just more evidence that I was making the right decision. Anyway, I decided I could not raise my kids in this religion or continue myself. When I approached my husband he felt the same way and was relieved, shocked lol...but happy. He had been feeling this way for over 10 years with his own doubts and questions, but I didn't know. I was a super JW he thought I would go to the Elders...I probably would have yeah, that is how it started.