A friend of mine partook of the Emblems the other day. Now the elders want to speak with him. What should he do?
I know he lurks hear so I want him to see your answers? I think he has a death wish or something. Its as if he wants to get dfd.
by hippikon 13 Replies latest jw friends
A friend of mine partook of the Emblems the other day. Now the elders want to speak with him. What should he do?
I know he lurks hear so I want him to see your answers? I think he has a death wish or something. Its as if he wants to get dfd.
So wait, let me get this straight. He doesn't think he's anointed, but he still partook? LOL. I'm sorry, but that is the bravest soul on earth. If he does think he's anointed, then more power to him. If not, good luck on this death quest you have embarked upon, emblem partaker.
He should say yes I am annointed. The elders wont be able to tell him he is not. Most of the people I know who partake are not neccessarily pillars in the cong. They will prolly leave him alone if he stands his ground. As long as he maintains that WTBS is gods organisation. If he denies that...he's a gonner.
This is a scenario I've wondered about. If one partakes, that makes your friend the faithful and discreet slave. His appointment issues from God. Their appointment issues from the class that he represents, or from men. He is part of the class that provides food at the proper time for them. The Circuit Overseer is his representative. Their judgement is based on how they treat "Christ's brothers", or him and by doubting or questioning his calling they in effect call one of Christ's brothers a lier and bring themselves into judgement.
Really the elders have no business questioning or telling him anything. He should be the one teaching them, since God's spirit supposedly operates upon him in fuller measure as part of the "channel".
Of course this is all in theory. The reality is that they place man-made traditions and appointments and rules over those that issue from God. At best they think your friend is mentally ill, and at worst, an "apostate". But I think it would be a great lesson in showing how ridiculous their own teachings are and how they really don't understand the implications of their own doctrine.
A friend of mine partook of the Emblems the other day. Now the elders want to speak with him. What should he do?
If he decides to agree to speak with the elders, then he should just be honest. If he is anointed, then tell him to just say so. If he was just thirsty, tell him to say that too.
I know he lurks hear so I want him to see your answers? I think he has a death wish or something. Its as if he wants to get dfd.
to hipp's lurking friend, ( yeah...you. )
To be disfellowshipped by the elders, deosn't eqaul death. (and I hope you're not really wishing for death!) According to elders, people only get df'd if they are unrepentent sinners. Seeing as how being anointed is NOT a sin, then one can't be repentent for it. Therefore, to disfellowship for such a thing, would be blasphemy against the Holy Spirit. If elders even hold a judicial committe, ask them what "sin" you committed to make them form the juding committee to begin with. Tell them you want it in writing, with scriptures saying that it's a sin to be anointed.
You didnt say if the friend was a JW or not. If he was not then partaking is what Christians do, and they wont count him..but they probably will give him The Lecture. If he is a JW then he will have to face the music because he knows the consequences. To partake at a Memorial is to participate in THEIR rituals. The way I figure it, if a person doesnt like the way the JWs do things and they think that all Christians should partiake, which...I think is the case...then they should go to a church and take communion or just do it themselves at home. One doesnt need to be in a public place to do it after all. Jesus said "whenever you do this...remember me". I used to think it would be great sport to partake and disturb the whole thing, but in retrospect, it IS their party, and frankly I dont think it convinces any of them to do it too...just makes us look satanic...which in turn plays into their hands. Yknow?
I think your friend better just be HONEST about what his intentions were.
What a bunch of gobbledigook
Perhaps your firend was just exercising his right to commerate the passing......JESUS told his apsotles to do this in remembrance of him
he also told them to misniter to each other and others.......
was there any one at the Memorial washing any feet...I think not....
Who then are to CELEBRATE, and who is to observe.
Do WE ALL not benefit from this sacrifice or just some of us.
the # of 144.000 was already taken up in the first century anyway............do the math.
I now consider myself 'anointed', believing, as LovesDubs does, that the invitation to partake was given to ALL Christians, and so have done so at home and elsewhere. However, I elected NOT to go to the Memorial at the Kingdom Hall and partake, because it would be inflammatory as Loves also suggested. (I DA'd myself, so no elder meeting would ensue.) Also, because it would inflate Memorial attendance figures, which some might actually consider a sin!
So I agree with the majority. If your lurker friend is a JW who now believes that s/he has every right to be a party to the new convenant then, when questioned by the elders Newly Anointed should just say that holy spirit led him/her to know that. It's not a sin. And they don't know HOW any anointed one "just KNOWS", so they can't really take any action.
Gobbledigook, it may be, Joelbear, but By God! It's WATCHTOWER goobledigook! So it's all good, right?
My point was that all the rules and regs and politics of how to deal with something that in my opinion is a personal matter of faith is complete gobbledegook.
People should be able to relate to their god, higher power, spiritual center or whatever, in whatever means they need to as long as it doesn't negatively affect others and/or their needs to relate in a different way.
The rest is gobbledegook.