about my family here on this board

by ugg 12 Replies latest jw friends

  • ugg

    i have worked all night doing freight at kmart...you would think i would be tired by now,,,but i can not relax...

    so i am going to ramble on some about this site...hahahahahahahahahahaha
    it is absolutely precious!!!!!!!!!

    i am naive and inexperienced so i have learned SO much about people...
    i just laugh my heart out when i see different ones fighting (big time)
    and i think oh god,,i hope they don't own guns!!!!! or belong to a
    mafia family!!! hahahahahahahahah

    i have seen people open their hearts to complete strangers...(me included
    most recently jesika and animal,,,,so willing to give,,reguesting
    nothing in return...acceptance without conditions...how lucky can we be
    to have one another...

    there is thread after thread of people helping,,encouraging,,and just
    being friends with those they have never met!!!! i think that is

    the knowledge that is on this board!!! everything from society doctrine
    to the more delicate knowledge of sexual practises!! (uff da,,,i can see
    i need to get out more!!)hahahahahahahaha

    i am in therapy,,,and i talk about this place at times...the people,
    their situations,,,what it means to me..my therapist conclusion is::::
    "it is good"

    good night everybody,,,i feel better now...thank you...

  • jgnat

    hahahahahahahaha....ugg.........it's been great getting to know you, to...hahahahaha...you are a sweetie...

  • animal


    In my world, the trick to being me is to be able to listen to a person without being judgemental. I think that human nature pushes us to judge, but I fight that. If everyone has the freedom to vocalize an opinion without the fear of being labeled stupid, etc, life is good. Too many cannot or will not agree or accept my opinion, which is their problem, not mine.... nor yours. Be you, and enjoy it.

    Those of us beyond the issues of the JW'isms welcome you as a "little sis". Now, go clean my room.


  • Solace

    I agree.

    Not everyone gets along all the time. People will always have differing personalities and lifestyles. I know I have learned quite a bit since I first began posting here. A few of those who I have debated with in the past have now become very close friends of mine. There are those I have just accepted that we are too different and probably wouldnt want to take in a movie or anything. Then there are those who I hit it off with right from the start and still love to this day. Its just life I guess..

    Its nice to come here and be able to express yourself and have others give feedback, even if it does put you in your place once in awhile. It causes us look at ourselves and possibly make a change for the better.

    Thanks for bringing this up ugg. Take care and have a great Holiday. I know how retail can be during this time of year, dont let it get the best of ya.

    Merry Christmas & Happy New Year to everyone!

  • ballistic

    Sometimes I regret all the stuff I post here, as if I have exposed myself or told my darkest secrets to the world. I suppose it's a mild form of anxiety or something.

    But hey, it's not as if the whole world is reading this is it? Or is it?

    Edited by - ballistic on 14 December 2002 11:26:20

  • LyinEyes

    Ugg what a great post, I am so glad you find happiness here. I too feel the same way about this place. Even when things get heated it is like a real family, things don't always go smooth but we always stay together . I know you have a difficult situation , and I am glad you are here to express yourself. It helps so many others who are in the same situation as you are, maybe ones who are only lurkers and are too afraid to come out.

    You are one sweet person and I always enjoy your humor. So keep on keeping on......, it is good to hear others feeling so good about this place and the wonderful people on it, hugs Dede

  • bikerchic


    You said it well ugg and it's so nice to be part of this family.


  • Windchaser

    I agree with Animal, be happy being you, ugg. You are very sweet.

  • Joyzabel


    I hope we are cheaper than your therapy! and give you more laughs than your therapy, too


  • ugg

    hi all.....yes,,this place is definately cheaper than therapy!!! $100.00 an hour!!! like animal stated i am trying to become ME! hard to learn to be an individual with freedom of thought when you have emotional baggage from the society,,,you know..."no independent thinking"

    i never realized how much of a person i WASN'T!!! real eye opener!! i like it here on this board...

    it helps so much to realize that a person is not alone...and to beable to have people so completely understand what you say and the impact it has on your life...PRICELESS...

    i am grateful for therapy and this board...i hope to be a whole person some day...maybe even a whole person who is normal! hahahahahahahahahaha

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