i have worked all night doing freight at kmart...you would think i would be tired by now,,,but i can not relax...
so i am going to ramble on some about this site...hahahahahahahahahahaha
it is absolutely precious!!!!!!!!!
i am naive and inexperienced so i have learned SO much about people...
i just laugh my heart out when i see different ones fighting (big time)
and i think oh god,,i hope they don't own guns!!!!! or belong to a
mafia family!!! hahahahahahahahah
i have seen people open their hearts to complete strangers...(me included
most recently jesika and animal,,,,so willing to give,,reguesting
nothing in return...acceptance without conditions...how lucky can we be
to have one another...
there is thread after thread of people helping,,encouraging,,and just
being friends with those they have never met!!!! i think that is
the knowledge that is on this board!!! everything from society doctrine
to the more delicate knowledge of sexual practises!! (uff da,,,i can see
i need to get out more!!)hahahahahahahaha
i am in therapy,,,and i talk about this place at times...the people,
their situations,,,what it means to me..my therapist conclusion is::::
"it is good"
good night everybody,,,i feel better now...thank you...