My mom had an accident about two weeks ago, fortunately she is ok. Im living in my parents house now after my husband (yet again) threatened to "beat the crap out of me"---that story in another post some other time. Needless to say, ever since she got out of the hospital the phone rings about 50 times a day, mostly calls from the "hermanos." Today a couple that I have known for about 15 years comes to visit, and their "discomfort" with my presence (I am DA) is quite noticeable. My mom wanted to confine me to another area of the house, since they were in the living room, I was like, "hell no, this is MY damn house, I'll go where I please." I just about killed them with kindness---"would you like some coffee, tea, anything? how about you dear? I just baked some cookies last night they're quite delicious (and they're christmas cookies at that!) Are you sure you dont want anything Tony? Is that one or two sugars with your coffee Markie? with milk or creamer??" In the end they drank all my coffee and ate up the christmas! cookies that I had made. All that and some ear to ear grins too!! I was beside myself!! Their hypocrisy never fails does it?
Visited by JWs today
by Soledad 21 Replies latest jw friends
That was priceless!!
Wish I could have seen it....
Love, Scully
I'm confused ... you wrote you are in your parents' house, and yet you acted like:
"hell no, this is MY damn house, I'll go where I please."
If you were in your mom's house, why wouldn't you respect her wishes? -
refiners fire
QUOTE) My mom wanted to confine me to another area of the house, since they were in the living room,
Yeah, happened to me too...
QUOTE) I was like, "hell no, this is MY damn house, I'll go where I please."
Thats what I said. So they ended up not coming in the house
QUOTE) I just about killed them with kindness---"would you like some coffee, tea, anything? how about you dear? I just baked some cookies last night they're quite delicious (and they're christmas cookies at that!) Are you sure you dont want anything Tony? Is that one or two sugars with your coffee Markie?
Your idea was MUCH better. Why didnt I think of that??
Edited by - refiners fire on 14 December 2002 16:58:35
Doesn't the Bible say something about being kind to those that hate us, and thus pouring fiery coals upon their heads? There is a vicious satisfaction in being literally better than the other person.
I remember once in college one of my roommates hated me and mocked me for being a dub. [ my college exp. is a whole other story ] On his 21st birthday he came home from the bar and puked up in the sink. I cleaned it up and put him to bed. He was my best friend after that.
CZAR of the Jesus' advice really works even if you are a dub class
Some of the elders are fanatics, not so kind. All should be opposed to wire-tapping, child molestation coverups and the coverup attempt of the U.N. tie. It would be a kindness to expose these things.
refiners fire
..."being kind to those that hate us, and thus pouring fiery coals upon their heads".....
Indeed it does.
...."There is a vicious satisfaction in being literally better than the other person".....
Thats how I interprete the scripture too. Not a very LOVING position from Christ there, is it? Be nice to them so they will feel EMBARRASSED. Be nice to them so you can feel BETTER THAN THEM. ??
glad your mom is ok!!!!!!!! i give you is more than i would do.
When they come to visit get their names and addresses then later quietly mail them this:
HI! DID YOU KNOW scholarly studies prove that the Christmas Tree is from the Tree of Eternal Life (Ge 2:9, 3:22) depicted in church plays of the Middle Ages, not Luther or Druid tree-worshippers, although outdated articles for example in World Book Encyclopedia still repeat the legends and Luther may have originated the use of candles attached to Christmas trees. Saint Nicholas was an actual man who in the Middle Ages quietly left dowry gifts that kept Christian girls from being sold into slavery, and heading a congregation at Myra where Turkey now is, he wore red and carried a miter although without reindeer or elves.
The giant cedars of Lebanon used to build the temple at Jerusalem themselves had bright green needles with tan-colored cones, and John 10:22-3 says Christ visited the successor temple during the Jewish "Festival of Dedication," namely Channukah, during winter. Also called the Festival of Lights, it had singing, the carrying of tree branches, homes filled with lights and joy. Celebrated 8 days each time, its date varies yearly but the first Channukah was December 25, making it an even more likely source for the December 25 celebration than Rome's Saturnalia which came later in the month. Some believe Christ was actually born about Oct 1, which would mean Mary conceived 9 months previously, that is about or on December 25. Indeed count 9 months backwards from October to see for yourself. Santa Claus, as said earlier, did not come from a vaguely known Asian god who descended chimneys to bring gifts or Siberian wizards but instead the Christian Nicholaus a famous gift-giver in the Middle Ages.
In fact Christ himself was wrongly attacked as a "glutton and drunkard" simply for believing in a good time (Mt 11:19). He once turned water to wine at a wedding party in Cana (Jn 2:1-11), told followers to invite needy persons to parties (Lu 14:13-14), and accepted gifts including expensive nard oil. Interestingly, Revelation 1:14 even describes the resurrected Christ's hair as like "white wool" or "snow," his cloak was scarlet-colored (red with a bluish tinge--Mt 27:28), and white symbolized purity. True, all that just coincidentally reminds one of Santa Claus, but do note that the earliest Christians enjoyed balanced merriment at "love feasts" (Jude 12), the angels celebrated Christ's birth (Lu 2), and Job's children had enjoyed birthdays (Job 1:3, 3:1, 3).
Most Christmas trees are topped by a star remindful of the Christ star. According to John Mosley's The Christmas Star (1985) from September 3 BC to June 2 BC Jupiter, known as "the royal planet" passed Regulus "the king star" in the constellation Leo, reversed then passed again, turned and passed a 3rd time. By June 17 Jupiter and Regulus were so close they seemed a single star when seen by the eye. This then is one intriguing possible source for the Christ star in the Bible.
Before Christ's birth unspecified men called "magi" in Biblical Greek came from the East first to Jerusalem (Mt 2:1-2) then went on to find the Christ child in Bethlehem. Some translations render the word magi as astrologers because its root like the word "magician" is linked to the idea of being a person of great might but although magi may refer to people who try to predict the future by observing the stars, using omens and consulting spirit beings as forbidden by God at Deuteronomy 18:10-12, it can also refer to people who worked to predict future weather patterns, good times to plant and harvest, buy and sell crops, etc via careful observation of the clouds, stars and other natural phenomena and with very little to absolutely no special focus on the occult at all. So for solid reasons some Bible translations continue to translate magi as simply "wise men" or "stargazers" and this is also supported by the Bibles positively saying they brought gifts for Christ then also protected him by leaving without telling his location to King Herod who wickedly desired to slay him.
Those who kept their families from celebrating Christmas should not be condemned if they were mistaught and so acted out of lack of accurate knowledge in the past but also no one should claim that those who do celebrate the birth of Christ are immature and out of harmony with the Bible even as the preceding information proves. Please read and meditate on what Paul writes at Colossians 2:16.
Good work Soledad! It sounds like kindness in this case worked best. Maybe they will one day realize that those who leave are not evil horrible people.