from Gary Busselman:
A quote from Skeptical Inmquirer
"Finally, beliefs survive best when their adherents feel they are part of a cohesive community; an ideologue who gives his followers a sense of “belonging” has already won the battle against skeptics who seek to disconfirm his teachings. His followers can simply point to all the other members who still endorse the beliefs, prophecies, or principles that have not (yet) been disproven. The more of these people there are, the greater the “proof” that the leader speaks the truth. “How could so many of us all be wrong?” the believer will ask.
Skeptics who criticize illogical group beliefs need to be aware of these realities. ... More importantly, skeptics need to remember that the people who buy into such beliefs are seeking a sense of meaning in their lives. The reason they so viciously resist the assault of logic is because they cannot bear to be stripped of their sense of belonging. Their devotion to the charismatic founder of their group makes them feel both protected and privileged, often for the first time in their lives. . ."
Jason Zweig
Investing Columnist
Money Magazine
New York, NY
SKEPTICAL INQUIRER March/April 2001 page 65