Purple Passion!

by RubyTuesday 25 Replies latest jw friends

  • RubyTuesday

    What floats your boat...revs your engine....lights your fire..(did I forget any?)
    Whats are the things that just makes you completely forget your problems?

    Mine is...Photography, snow skiing and painting.

    Edited by - rubytuesday on 15 December 2002 13:27:35

  • Aztec

    Listening to music, dancing, going to concerts (gotta love moshing and crowd surfing) , making music....

    And, oh yeah, driving fast!


    Somehow finally hit my posting limit..LOL

    I forgot hockey! Go Wings!!!

    Edited by - Aztec on 15 December 2002 16:46:38

  • animal

    My bikes....

  • COMF


  • Beans

    What is the difference between blue and purple? The grip!

    But in all seriousness, my passion is hockey, beer and sex!



  • Pleasuredome


    i love skiing but i just cant do it here in england.

    here's the one thing that revs my engine at the mo.....

    Edited by - pleasuredome on 16 December 2002 7:36:44

  • Celia

    yeah... that's what's missing in my life... a passion.... something I am good at and love to do... Everything is blah right now, has been for quite a while... I used to jog when I was younger, loved it... I used to mountain hike... really loved it.... Used to go to the sauna, swimming (even though I am a very bad swimmer), used to cross country ski.... Used to go to aerobic classes.... Now I am married to a sedentary man and stuck in a country far away from home and my family and my friends... I am blue... depressed and miserable.... This too shall pass, may be

  • RubyTuesday

    Celia...I have been having the blahs also...thats why i started to think of what really got me excided.

    Sorry things are not that great with you.

    Don't they have a gym where your at...for aerobics ,swimming and sauna?

    You can still go jogging.

    I just learned how to ski and love it!! Even though I'm not very good at it and oh ..yeah , I love to swim and I like to go hiking also.

    My bf never likes to go anywhere...so I have to push myself to go do things by myself or with friends or i end up depressed.

    I think its sad when people forget what makes them happy.Too bad your not my nieghbor

  • xenawarrior

    One of them is: BEADS!!

    I do various beadwork, including bead painting- here is a plate that I did. Very time consuming because the beads are placed individually but it's very relaxing and therapeutic.

  • Buster

    Skeet shooting. I actually won the Washington State Overall championships a few years back.

    Raquetball gets the blood flowing and the waist in managable girth.

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