I believe god is nature, which includes all of us and that god uses our sensory mechanisms to experience everything. At some moments god can actually experience everything as one time.
God is nature
by joelbear 13 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
I believe that nature is nature and god is a concept.
God is a concept that means different things to different people, the only commonality being that in all cases, god is an unproven concept.
I believe it's best to let things be what they are, ie: nature, and let things we don't know have tools to find out about, ie: god, go.
I believe you'll recieve rich blessings if you adopt this modus illuminati.
Edited by - SixofNine on 15 December 2002 13:44:5
I just don't know and I am so confused.....
I believe......crap does it matter what I believe....people are dieing all over the world because they believe some kind of political or religious propaganda??
Make me GOD or LORD of all things and I will stop the killing....only one religion and one political system.....WOW that sounds like the DUBS....well back to position "A".....JUST DON"T KNOW....
I think if we were meant to know what God is, he would have let us know. As I have ranted and raved in a few other threads, we can't say that he has given us his word because he wants us to know him, because his word is IMPOSSIBLE to understand. Everyone has their own opinion, nobody agrees, everyone has a theory for the end of the world, Jesus' presence etc etc. If God wanted us to know him and love him he wouldn't have written it in such a weird way - that's my thoughts anyway. I am not really sure what the point of the Bible is anymore - I like the sentiments in the 2% of it I actually understand, I just wish I could get a grip on the other 98%. I'd love to believe this life isn't all there is - I really need to believe that. But I am not too sure any more.
Honey Bear,
Pantheism and materialism are siamese twins of ill-conceived logic. If there is a God, It by definition would have to have personality and as such individuality. Pantheism would deny an entity separate from creation. What emperical evidence would you present to support the notion?
You can call God whatever you like, but he's still God! The dubs insist his name is Jehovah, others Yahweh, still others Lord, and so on. Nature is some mystical force to many, and is viewed as akin to a god, but it doesn't explain the origin of nature, nor for that matter the origin of all matter.
As we marvel at creation, we're drawn to magnify nature/god.
Cheers, Ozzie
As we marvel at creation, we're drawn to magnify nature/god.
or in the case of some little boys, to magnify the sunlight upon nature/ants.
I only believe in the angel that sits on my Christmas tree.
Nature is grand and powerful, serene yet violent, strong yet fragile. All the good and all the bad can be found back in nature. Its the source of all life. Nature brings me as close to "god" as I'll ever get.
I go with Ozzie on this one. Nature is God's creation and if we allow ourselves to appreciate the beauty of it, we naturally will get closer to the Creator.