Last night I talked to an elder that resigned early this year and he told me that he resigned as an elder because of 9--11. He felt that after seeing thousands of people dying in such a horrifying way, there was just no way God would destroy 99 and 9 tenths of the world and only spare Jehovah's Witnesses. He also felt that since the Kingdom message could not be adequately preached by a handful of JW's so that people could get life, the whole thing is a sham. He no longer goes to meetings and his wife crys to everybody about her husband. Even though this is the case, he does not regret his decision at all. He is now at peace.
Elder Resigns Because Of 9---11
by minimus 25 Replies latest jw friends
That might actually be a good train of thought to use to get a JW thinking. Ask whether the events of 9-11 were good news or bad news. Unless he's a real mope, he'll have to acknowledge that it was bad news. Then ask, if 3000 people being killed is bad news, how can 6 billion people being killed possibly be good news?
Just a thought...
Good for him!! Yep, I think September 11th had a greater effect on more Witnesses than what most like to admit. After witnessing the towers collapsing and knowing that there were thousands of innocent people trapped inside was a devastating moment for anyone with a heart........I remember even seeing Bush struggling not to cry.........
As this was basically a scaled down version of what the Borg teaches is going to happen worldwide at the Big A, it can really make alot of Witnesses stop and think that perhaps we shouldn't be joyful over such a pathetic man-made doctrine whereby 99.9% of the earths population are going to be executed for not believing the feckless and indiscreet slave crap........
BTW, I've heard two versions of Brooklyn's reaction after everyone came running over the is that they opened their doors to the public, provided coffee, blankets, food, comfort and medical care. The other version I heard is that they literally locked their doors. Anyone know for sure what happened?
I heard the first one. The good one of course. This came from JW family members.
Knowing them as I do, I bet they just locked their gates and waited for Armaggeddon to start.....rocky220
9/11 was a wake up call for me, too. Not that 9/11 was the first tragedy that ever has happened, but it came at a time in my life where I was ready to question the teachings of the WT. When you open that door of logical thinking that the WT has convinced you to keep closed all those years, the freedom of thought can be very upsetting.
Hopefully, this elder can work on his wife to bring her around. If not, it will be a very rocky road for them both.
There is an elder in our area who worked in NYC that day. The story is that he walked across the Brooklyn Bridge to Bethel and knocked on the door. A brother answered and asked him a question about some study book, and when he answered correctly, he was let into the building.
Mrs. Shakita
Edited by - shakita on 16 December 2002 10:54:24
Sounds like this elder was human, and had a heart. It amazes me how the witnesses are so looking forward to seeing everyone destroyed. Maybe 9-11 will make some think twice. Many people cannot understand disaster unless they live it or see it. Their version of Armaggedon is much worse than 9-11. I find it hard to believe that people would be rejoicing over the painful deaths of so many. But that is what they teach. How sad.
different but the same...
I remember asking my study conductor why JWs made a big deal outa the Holocaust... surely Jehovah approved of extermination camps? wasnt He gonna snuff out all 'wicked' non-dubs? surely the Holocaust was a cause for 'true Christians' to rejoice?
my study conductor never replied - possibily cuz I'd strayed from the paragraph...
I wonder when the G. B. saw the Twin Towers crumbling down to the earth did they believe Armageddon was here? Did they run in panic to their inner sanctuary to pray to God or did they know it wasn't the time of the end. It would have been great to be a fly on the wall on that day at Bethel.
I too was going through a period of doubt and questioning the borg during 9-11. It messed me up really badly and actually drove me into complete fear running back to the borg, although I hadn't at that time stopped attending meetings. It was too horrific and I couldn't handle what I was seeing, I was so afraid that it was all evidence of the coming great fear inspiring day of JH. In hindsight I cannot believe that it pushed me back to the borg rather than further away from the borg, for exactly the reasons that have been stated. Being that how could anyone be joyful over the deaths of so many innocent thousands, and to think that I was once looking forward to the deaths of millions for the sake of my own personal salvation?!?!?!!. I remember the lack of warmth and feeling of a fellow JW work associate of mine, she was so proud and indignant as she was completely convinced she was on the side of good. I also know for a fact that the events of that day did not affect my JW family and associates to the same degree it did me. I was fearful, but also extremely confused about what it all meant.
Every day from here is just further confirmation for me that there is still far more good in the world than there is bad, I just had to open my eyes to see it.