just a few questions. During the elders meeting, it is a discussion, or a talk to you by the co?i mean, can anyone ask the co to clarify a point or even DISAGREE with him? and what is your cong.'s requirements to be "used" at the hall? my hall has just recently started using only ms and elders to handle just about every task at the hall. i got booted from reading the wt for "low " hours (4 per month) after a few years of reading, which lead to a heated discussion because the elders said "there is not standard or rule,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,BUT" i told them that if you were a brother who was a regular part of the congregation if felt you should be able to read, attend, do lit counter, etc which he didnt like,, the reason it is so easy at our hall is because we have only one or 2 like that, you are either an ms or very irregular....
Discretionary rights
This is what you are running into and there is nothing you can do about it as a jw- the society gives the elders the power to make any call they want to when it comes to using local men-
Which means in one hall they may use 4 hour men and in another they dont and you cant question it
In one hall they may use 4 hours for everyone, in our hall we didnt if it was an old man then he would get a waiver, if it was some single hot stud, NO WAY-
It has always been the societys POSITION to used only MS and Elders and others based on the circumstances-= titles and positions are often used as a carrot- most males want to have them then threaten to take them away and they will jump
I know men who have kicked their pregnant daughters out on the street so as to maintain elder status-
The problem is simple wt has Cheese Cracker Men in charge and cheese cracker men who want to be put in charge of something , be it mikes, sound, mag, territory, wt conduction, or bookstudy conductor
Wt is like any other American Corp there are positions and those who work there want those positions , even if they are being told that they are GOD APPOINTED POSITIONS matters not-
ELDERS along with all JW live and breath by written and unwritten rules-
The reason they took your strips is because they felt YOU WERE NOT DOING YOUR BEST
And the societys position is if the body feels the man aint doing his best just token service they they can take any privilidges they deem
Problem is THEY GET TO MAKE THE CALL AND - thereby insureing no consistant procedure-
This is what makes the process so dangerous you have cheese cracker men in charge of telling you WHAT YOUR SELF WORTH IS
There is nothing more humiliating than for a man to be removed- it is almost assumed he must have been out getting some Coochie smile
This is why it is so important to understand the The System-
Even if you are a good elder the Sytem Draggs you along, either you will conform or leave
I left