Hey all! This forum is excellent, so I thought I'd join in. If you'd like to know more about me & know where I fit in here, you can read my story at http://www.freeminds.org/stories/fearmom.htm
Greetings all & Merry Christmas :)
by Nosferatu 10 Replies latest jw friends
Big Tex
Merry Christmas and a big Texas Howdy right back at ya.
Am I the only one who sees the dichotomy of someone named Noferatu saying 'Merry Christmas'?
Nosferatu,nice to meet you welcome.
Thanks for your story,I can relate to your nervousness problems,relating to being a JW. (((((((hugs)))))) .
welcome to the forum, Nosferatu Merry x-mas to you, too!
Welcome to the board!
Welcome !! I read your testimony---Sorry to hear a lot of it.But SO happy to hear you have a relationship with God.... Somany of the stories are the same.Beatings, blackmail, etc:etc: Do this or else!!!I guess I was a person like your Mother( not the beatings) but pushing studies on my kids. I was considered a VERY Strong!!! Jehovahs Witness-Nobody every thought I would stop believing( even me too) but here I am FREE!!! Know it is not the truth.Never been happier! so who knows your Mother may one day be free also....Keep it in prayer...Thanks for sharing...Grace( of undeserved kindness-if you want to use the WT term for Grace
Welcome !
I can relate to so much of what you say . It is so sad to hear the same sort of story repeated again .
Over protective parents, ham-fisted manipulative elders, we know them all
I also have the music. Led Zep, G n R , ACDC , I love em all.... I was already an elder by the 80's when "Counsell" about such band came out. so they could not really touch me . I did not crusade in favour of the bands but I never hid the fact that I enjoyed the music.
When I was ready to resign , I was giving some reasons that did not seem to be accepted,but I told the C/O I liked what he might call "Heavy Metal" - and I was dropped like a hot potatoe
welcome to the board, and a very
hi and welcome..
Thank you for the warm welcome!
Isn't is such a wonderful privelage that we could all be gathered here on this beautiful day that Jehovah has given us :D
I'm surprised to see so many here from Canada! Anyone from Winnipeg?
Mouthy: There are reasons for my mother joining the JWs that I have come to understand. She had sexually & physically abusive parents. Also, in her first marriage she was with an alcoholic and an abusive man. I can understand why she's taken such an attachment to the religion. However, the JWs don't help deal with the past, they just pave the way for a "better" future. My mother is very weak minded I've discovered. If she were to come to terms with her past like I have, she would be able to live a better life without the JWs. However, I doubt that will ever happen.
Bluesbrother: That's one thing I never agreed with in the religion. I enjoy all types of music, but I favor heavy metal. I remember talks about how we should avoid bands like Poison, Megadeth, etc. I take it none of them ever listened to the band Poison. I find nothing remotely offensive about them!
I must say, I'm looking foreward to telling some funny stories about things that I've experienced while I was studying. I also have to put a user pic up. I'll choose something very appropriate ;)